Familitchi: Urgent


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Well-known member
Aug 1, 2009
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I urgently need help or it's death for my Tama's. A familitchi came in the mail for me from anonymous- yay!! But no instructions!!! Please, please tell me all I need to know about this version and what I need to do. How do I get matchmaker, what's the dating channel, how do I give it medicine???? Please just give me all the help you can because I don't want this family of babies to die as they are so sweet, please help please!! Even guess just Please help I am begging youu ;) :eek: :( :p

Hi. There's a tamagotchi instructions in the Libary forum, you should be able to find it pretty quick. But basically, second icon is how you feed them, you have unlimited food, fourth icon is where you play games for points, seventh icon in the box, where your items are kept, as well as medicine. the next icon is the tv where you can go to the shopping channel, or dating channel. Shopping requires a lot of points, but the items/food last forever! The dating channel, your tamagotchi must have been an adult for two whole days before you can use it! For further details, check those instructions in the library under Reference Material!

Hope I helped!

phew, thankyou, I can stop panicing. Wait, but can I connect to a v4.5 with it?

oaky, thanks. is music star good? I am considering getting it. Is it mainly focused on the band or is it still like older versions (looking after being the main thing)

With music stars, you are taking care of a little pop star/diva/whatever you want to call them. So no, the focus is not on caring, it is of a very demanding musician.

To get up bonding: they will sometimes ask for bonding at even hours: 10:00, 12:00, 2:00, etc... Bond 3 times for 10% bonding. There are also bonding items you can use, can't remember what they are now, and playing Golf Putt and Shoe Pairs can help too.

I don't know about you hanatchi hannah but, music star's are focused on raising your tama's too, sure at the teenanger stage they can go to music school if you want, and practice with the band at adulthood, but your still mainly taking care of a tama

Thanks. OMG, why aren't they going to sleep? How do I get them to sleep? And by the way you said it asks you to 'bond' but like what happens?

Sorry I'm just really confuzzled.

Oh and by the way I still don't know who sent me this abandoned tama, if it was you please say xD

When I got it, it was on the 35th generation on pause with a child, now I am on the 36th generation but I am struggling xDD

It has to be at night like 8:00 or 9:00 PM something like that for them to go to sleep. Have you checked the clock to make sure it has the right time on it? If your not sure how to check the clock press the middle button when your Tama isn't doing anything.

When the bond the icon on the bottom right corner lights up (The icon with the happy and the mad face) and then press the icon in the bottom left corner (The one with the happy face and the speech bubble) and it will give you a 3 toys to choose from (The toy choices are different some times and then they're the same sometimes) for example: They can play with blocks or kites and then they bond by playing together.

Hope I helped! :mellow:

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Heey, thanks for the help!! I am really thinking about getting music star, but if I can only just handle two, do you think I'll be able to handle all three or does music star require full attention?

I'd say Music Star is pretty good but it requires a lot of attention I still love mine though, I think it would be too much to handle if you have more than two Tamas running, but that's just my opinion.

I think you should get it though, it's really fun.

okay. I think that I might get musicstar and pay my v4.5 a little attention (basically give it what it needs but dont try to gain extra points or anything) my familitchi a little attention (ditto) and the musicstar main attention. thanks :3 how much are they?

I'm in the U.S.A if you live anywhere else besides the U.S.A the cost is probably different.

I bought my Music Star at Toys R Us for I think about... $16.00 it's worth the price though.

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