family guy


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I love family guy! My favorite character is, Peter. You gotta love the absent minded idiots!



Peter was doing a test, when he and his friends were playing a game thing, like questions and answers,

Lois said to him

"What colour is a fire truck?"

Peter was like,

"Oh, what a hard one! what colour are those red fire trucks?"

"Oh yea! red! I'm so smart!"

So he went to university and tried out for something, and he was in this maths test rooom, and everyone was using calculaters, so he use one of those things that sat say something kinda like

"Dogs go woof!"

so Peter started his test and spinning the toy, and it said

"Cows go moo!"

Peter was like,

"yes, yes, moo," and wrighting it down.

When he got his results back Brian read them, it said,

"Peter, yuo are mentally retarded"

lol, that was a funny episode :D

Erm I'm a weirdo so you don't have to listen to my opinion, but I personally don't like that show! ;) Shocker, I know :D

It's just well, it gives the wrong idea. Kids may watch it thinking it's 'just a cartoon' just because it's animated, when really it has many adult themes in it. Then the kids start learning things that they shouldn't be learning yet from this 'cartoon' and well...I just don't think it's right :eek:

And plus, Family Guy makes parodies of things that are actually quite serious in real life which I just see as dumb.


PS: Sorry, but that's just my opinion!


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