Famous realatives?


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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2009
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The old topic got closed, but i was interested

Im realated to 2 famous ppl, Louis Riel (fifth cousin) and the man who invented the electric kettle (great grandpa)

I'm related to Gordon Lightfoot, like, distant cousins though. He was a First or second Cousin to my Grandpa's Mom or something like that.

Louis Riel? Haha we're studying about him in history class 8D

I don't think I'm related to anyone extremely famous.

You are! haha :unsure: thats cool, PM me if need any info (tell them you have 'connections' :hitodetchi: ) oh and who is Gordan lightfoot? pardon my ignorance but ive never heard of him before

I'm probably not D: never really bothered to ask.

But my last name (from my fathers side) is King :unsure: ! And my japanese last name from my mom is Aoki which is literally Blue Tree, soooo yeah haha.

You are! haha :unsure: thats cool, PM me if need any info (tell them you have 'connections' :hitodetchi: ) oh and who is Gordan lightfoot? pardon my ignorance but ive never heard of him before
He's a popular-ish singer who is famous for singing the song 'The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald"

not that I expect you to have ever heard that song xD

He's not famous, but he's in the National Archives.

My Great Great Grandfather was the Captain of a British vessel called Emily Lloyd. It went down in 1899.

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I searched my last name on the dictionary and I saw my last name there! =D

My last name - Manuel Deodorada (1827-92), Brazillian general, leader of the revolt which overthrew (1889) the monarchy, and first president (1889-91) of the republic.

My classmate's dad is on Google. His so lucky.

EDIT: Yeah. Emmelyn you're right! Thanks!

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I don't think having the same last name makes you automatically related. Especially since a lot of American last names came from the profession you were in or who you were the child of.

ex. Smith, Davidson, Johnson, etc.

I don't know about last names of other nationalities but I'm also going to assume that same last name doesn't make you automatically related.

Not reaaally, I don't think. Being famous isn't really a family gene.

But---my brother is in an awesome band, has several singles on iTunes, and is making a filmclip. :)

If you're interested, google ''Fire! Santa Rosa Fire!'' and that should come up with something.

He's the synth player.

My grandpa, like, invented the snakebite.

Andy Clemmensen can thank him.

But he's not known for it. xD

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I might be related to Dale Earnhardt, who was a famous NASCAR race-car driver. xP

Other than that, I dunno. I think it would be amazing if I found out that I was in a close relation to a member of one of the bands I like. I don't plan on it, but... That'd still be pretty cool. 8D



BUT MY DAD WAS TOTALLY IN A SUPER LAME COMMERCIAL FOR HIS BUSINESS IN THE 90s! xDDDD He got pretend burned from a fire in the commercial. :'DD It's rich.


Half yes, half no.

My i dont know how its said on english, but the grandfather of my grandma was a president in the Dictature time here, his name was Carlos Manuel Arana Osorio.

Tough, i dont have either Osorio Or Arana as second name, My Dad's Second name is Callejas Arana.

The old topic got closed, but i was interested
Im realated to 2 famous ppl, Louis Riel (fifth cousin) and the man who invented the electric kettle (great grandpa)
No WAYY!!! We just did a project on Louis Riel!!

I am related to one of the first people in England to own a car. :3

And, more car related, I am a direct descendant from the Benz family. [German car firm, Mercedes-Benz].

No notable 'current' peoples.

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