Far off goals


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lynnasoraus rex_

Well-known member
Oct 6, 2008
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I think many people have goals/dreams that realisticly will never happen, or will most likely ever happen. If you have any, share them.

Mine is.. that I dream about being in the Olympics one day, for swimming of course. Swimming isn't just some stupid hobby of mine - it's a passion. People always tell me I look like I'm having so much fun when I swim and that I'm great at it, that always encourages me to try harder to get better. and not to mention I get picked on like Micheal Phelps did, and he is my inspiration.

I'll never be in the Olympics though.

Post away.

I wanted to be a Karate teacher but yeah I don't think it will happen.

I want dream will be on TV as an actress or singer or both.

I don't give a crap about what people say, I know I can achieve it, you just have to keep working.

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I think many people have goals/dreams that realisticly will never happen, or will most likely ever happen. If you have any, share them.
Mine is.. that I dream about being in the Olympics one day, for swimming of course. Swimming isn't just some stupid hobby of mine - it's a passion. People always tell me I look like I'm having so much fun when I swim and that I'm great at it, that always encourages me to try harder to get better. and not to mention I get picked on like Micheal Phelps did, and he is my inspiration.

I'll never be in the Olympics though.

Post away.
Wow, Same with me! :huh:


I wish I would finally reach the stage in which I could enter the Olympics. I am already posting great times, and coming in the Top 3 in almost all my races. I am beating my personal bests over and over again, and it just feels great. All my relatives/family/friends always tell me I'm great and should keep going, and that really wants me to keep moving up. It would be great just to get to the Olympic Trials...Who knows? :D

@ East Army - That's really..too awesome to be described with words. I've never competitions or anything of that sort. Next year I'm joining swim team though, I'll probably be the fastest (not to brag, but it's true). I want to enter competitions eventualy. ;3

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I really want to be good at flute like my band director is. He's AWESOME. And I heard him play Clarinet,and it sounded nice. :]

But I'm good too, i'm not a failing player.

That's not a super far off goal.

But I want to be good at Tuba and Trombone. [i don't play Tuba yet,]

And I'm gonna try making it to honor bands[THAT WOULD OWN!] or get solos. <3

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I dream of teaching Drama and English; or being the lead role in a theatre production (musical or play) or becoming a movie actress. :blink:

I dream to make the QLD cricket team for girls of my age next year.

I came close a few years ago, but I have to try harder and put in extra effort because its a few age groups up.

I want dream will be on TV as an actress or singer or both.
I don't give a crap about what people say, I know I can achieve it, you just have to keep working.
Me too. We're gonna work together someday<3

I plan to become a singer/songwriter/actress for Disney and other things.

I plan to make my start on disney.

Yeah, I said Disney.


We will pwn the earth with our singing and acting!

I dream of being the 3rd female fighter pilot in Canada ;_;

I also dream of being an actress/singer

Chances are, none of those will ever come true. Only in my dream world.

I actually want to be a author who writes surreal stuff that nobody likes, spends most of her time with her partener, dies with the rent unpaid, and then 30 years later is a star.


@ East Army - That's really..too awesome to be described with words. I've never competitions or anything of that sort. Next year I'm joining swim team though, I'll probably be the fastest (not to brag, but it's true). I want to enter competitions eventualy. ;3
Have you ever timed yourself?

If you did, what's your time?

Good Luck on the Swim Team. <_<

My semi-realistic goal is to be happy with the one that I'm seriously in love with.

The realistic part- I know who I love, and it sucks.

The part that makes it impossible- We were boyfriend and girlfriend once, and I think I overstayed my welcome. He never liked me anyway, we were seven and girls mature faster than boys. . . his brain was still at that stage where he had no idea how he felt. But I did, and unfortunately, it's stuck with me.

. . . For six years.


Don't bother wishing me luck, our relationship isn't going anywhere.


But my career goal is to get a wonderful job that pays a lot, and that I'm happy doing, pursue said career --- Probably psychology, philosophy, or an editor. (Wouldn't being an editor be a great job? You get paid for reading. That would be wonderful.) --- and be able to take care of myself and my family.

Nothing big --- I wouldn't object to being put in some fifth grader's history book though . . . :3 --- just enough to keep me going.

But does that ever happen? Probably not.

And ultimately, I just want to be happy.

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