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Sep 27, 2007
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Honey and Mango had been together for a long time. Ever scince they hatched their owners always connected their little houses together so threy could visit each other. Finally when they are both adults they got married and had just 1 little baby tama.

This is their story.


:) :Honey (mum)

:p :Mango (dad)

-_- : baby


After her birthing of her baby she cradled in bed their little baby in her arms in a rocking movement. She softly sang a tamalese lulaby in her ear. Honey's mother once told her that after a few days with her baby that she would have to return to Tamatown. She would always never think of leaving her little baby in her bed and heading off. Baby started snoring lightly and was place in her cot. Honey and Mango talked about their soon leave to Tama town. There was only 2 days left to stay with their baby. 2 days went by and baby was asleep \. They packed their final belonging and kissed baby on the cheek and left a note explaining their leave like their mother's had too. In the morning baby woke and suffered the loneyness. She cried and sleep and didn't eat. She barely had any fat left on her cheeks or any wherer else because didn't eat and her owner forgot about her.

To be continued


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