Fav Harry Potter Book


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mine is HP7. It, unlike the other books, didn't take place at Hogwarts and SO much happened it was just soooo good there are no words to describe how incredible it was.

Chamber of secrets was great, but then again, I've only read numbers 1-3... lol.

I love all of the books,but I'd have to say 7 was my fave. My fav Potter books are just the exact opposite of the order, #1 Deathly Hallows #2 Half-Blood Prince #3 Order of the Phoenix #4 you get the idea.


Mines deffinetly the Deathly Hallows FOREVER! Closely followed by Chamber of Secrets!

YeAh! ~LONG LIVE ♥HARRY POTTER♥~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Best Wishes,



most favorite harry potter books in order:

1. goblet of fire

2. deathly hallows

3. order of the phoenix

4. chamber of secrets

5. prisoner of azkaban

6. sorcerers stone

7. half-blood prince

i love them all :)

I can't decide! They're all so good! Maybe 7 or 4 or 5 or 3. Or 1 even. Perhaps even 2. OK, maybe 7. I can't wait for the 6th movie!!!

My list:

1.HP 5

2.HP 2

3.HP 4

4.HP 6

5.HP 3

6.HP 1

7. HP 7 (because I haven't read it)

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I don't like Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix because all it is, is Harry being miserable, Dumbledore completely ignoring Harry, Umbridge ruining the fun, and SPOILER ALERT! Highlight over there if you would like to see --> Sirius dies!
