Fave Quotes


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Well-known member
May 20, 2005
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Hey ppl.I bet all of u have fave quotes,and some of you have wanted to tell everyone,well now u can!My signature lists all of my fave quotes.Take a look!!!!!!!!!!!

Ooooooooohhhhhhhhhh! I have one!

"Light travels faster than sound . . . That is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak."

LOL I love that one . . .


[SIZE=22pt] Ok! I've got one:[/SIZE]

"Factors come in pairs;multiples never end." -My math teacher :furawatchi:

:huh: tamagirl777

I made up a few meself. They aren't much good, they just sprang to mind:

-Life is full of idiots. Life is full of people who think YOU'RE an idiot. Deal with it.-

And the lemon one in my signature. *Nods head*. I like doing alterations on the "If life gives you lemons, make lemonade" saying.

If life gives you lemons, squirt lemon juice in your enemies' eyes...

If life gives you lemons, blame it on the next guy to come around the corner...

If life gives you lemons, make lemonade and sell it 20$ a glass. Then buy more lemons with the money earned and repeat the process until you're sick of lemons.

Nevermind, I'm just being my weird self again.

EDIT: I just remembered my favorite quote! I forget who said it, but here:

There's a moment coming. It's not here yet. It's in... the future!

Here it comes! Here it is!..It's gone.

Or something along those lines, anyway.

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This is a long one:

"Go with the 33% rule: 33% won't like you. 33% will think you are the ultimate best! But 33% will think you're okay."

~My teacher


"Small things come in big packages."

one of my favorites:

"Every cloud has a silver lining."

"the things that are most worth keeping are often the things u hav 2 let go of"

"if i had a star for every time i thought of u, i would be holding the universe in my arms"

"i am like a parking ticket, i have fine written all over me!"

It's really random, but:

"The stars are always there but we miss them in the dirt and clouds. We miss them in the storms. Tell them to remember hope. We have hope."

It's from this thing....(read my blog if you want to know what is is o_O)

[SIZE=14pt]OKAY!!!!!!!!!! :blink: [/SIZE]


"I intend to live forever! - so far, so good!"


"It is better to not speak and let people think you are an idiot than open your mouth and remove all doubt!!!

LOL!!!!!!!!!11111 :mametchi:

"Save the Earth, it's the only planet with chocolate"

"He who laughs last thinks slowest."

"There are 3 kinds of people: Those who can count and those who can't."

Also, see sig.

"I understand the baisics of cleaning my room. I just don't understand how they aply to me" -Rosebud

That was one that I saw in one topic or another.

Oh I just thought a few!

I made up some of them though!

"When you have cookies, GOT MILK?"

"Climb the mountain. Jump off the mountain. Eat fudge to celabrate that you lived."


" Nuku Nuku and the scientist:Sukiaki Sukiaki Were all happy Sukiaki sukia were all happy!.....whats sukiaki? Nuku Nuku's supposed brother: YOU WERE EXCITED ABOUT SUKIAKI WITHOUT KNOW WHAT IT IS???????????" -Nuku Nuku episode 1.


"How do you say boyfriend in spanish?" -cheeta girls 2

Live dangerously,play with knivesFriendship is like peeing yourself,other people can see it,you can feel it,it's warm,and when there is a mess,you can get it cleaned up!!
LOL I like the pee one! lol

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