Favorite Makeup Brand


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No. 7 and Boot's Natural Collection (it's cheap). I hardly wear make-up though, just on special occassions or when I have a hideous spot.

I don't wear makeup. =]

But I always saw my mum using L'oreal, Maybelline and Avon.

I really don't know and I really don't care either.

I only wear mascara. I prefer the natural look. :3

My mascara is Covergirl Exact Eyelights for blue eyes.

The mascara is a really deep sapphire colour, and it goes on really subtle, so I can really change how much I put on. :]

^ That's what I do. I don't like eyeliner on me. It makes me look punk. :I Especially because of my icy blue eyes and thick black glasses. xDD

I sometimes use a light brown mascara. That's all. Maybe some lipgloss. But like I said I only wear makeup on certain occasions. ;3

When I bother to put make up on (Which is about every other weekend, when I see my dad or go out with my friends) I usually just use concealer under my eyes and on any spots, brown eyeliner on my water line and a bit of mascara. Mainly from magazines and Boots xD

EDIT: Oh, the ones from magazines are usually Wet and Wild, I think

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