Favorite Quotes?


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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2005
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Oregon, United States Of America
Do you have a favorite quote?

From a book? A movie? Or even someone on here from Tamatalk?

My favorite quote is "Life Is Like Soccer, You Make Goals" - NINJA

Yeah, I made it up! hehe! Or..At least I think I did hehe :ichigotchi: Maybe someone else thought of it before me..Who knows! :)


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Mine is 'Random is not just a word, its a way of life!'

A few friends and I came up with it at my 11th party..

Mine would be "Don't make life like a Tug-Of-War. We are all on the same team" - Luke

Luke made that up when we all needed to make an inspirational quote for English. His was by far the best, and makes the most sense. :furawatchi:

idk my fav, but between these 2, "You Never Really Care For Someone, Until They Stop Caring For you" that was on an avatar ao idk who made it. then my second oone is from Inuyasha, "Once The Thread Of Fate Has Been Tangled, It Cannot Be Undone." that wasa said by kikyo on the show but again idk who really made it.

I have to fav ones...

"Living life without and existence is the same as being dead" Gaara, Haku, Naruto


"Suicide is a last cry for help that couldnt be answered" ~unkown




Ahem. Pardon me if I come off as crazy. I have rock candy.



[SIZE=7pt]well, in my post, at any rate.[/SIZE]


"Pickled radish in curry is not dinner, its disgusting.-Yuki Sohma


"Well, we know who's milkshake brings all the boys to the yard..." -Mia Fey, Phoenix Right: T&T


"Videogames are like cheese. There is a serving. But nobody cares."-Me


"HF, you are like a stream of bat's pee." -Rowan on a different site


"My cat sneezes in your general direction, spammalamma." -Me


"Kyo Sohma: Thats it! We're taking this outside!

Yuki Sohma: [looking irritated and bored] We are outside, stupid cat. -Fruits Basket, Iforgettheepisodename


Ayame:*grasps Yuki's hands* Yuki, let's deepen the bond between us brothers!

Yuki: *gets annoyed* Before you can do that I'll drown you in the deepest part of that lake.

Ayame: That's right! No matter what happens we'll be together.

Yuki: I'll let you drown alone!-Fruits Basket vol. 5, I think?


Haru: You stubborn idiot. What if it was Yuki wearing a girl's uniform?

Mokoto: -imagines Yuki in a girl's uniform-

Yuki: Haru, cut it out or I will cut you off.

Haru: Aw, have my words made you angry?

Mokoto: -still imagining Yuki in a girl's uniform- It's beautiful!

Yuki: Stop imagining me! -Fruits Basket


Haru: (after tripping Kyou) If I hadn't had tripped you, you wouldn't have stopped now would you?

(addresses the audience)

Haru: By the way what I just did was very dangerous. And if it had been anyone but Kyo they probably would have been hurt pretty badly, so don't try it at home.

Kyou: Don't try it here and who are you even talking to? -Fruits Basket

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"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,nothing's going to get better. It's not."-Dr. Suess (I just thought it was funny cuz Dr. Suess is always all happy and everything)

"To the world,you may be one person. But to one person,you may be the world."-idk

"If you can't get someone out of your head,maybe they're supposed to be there."-again,idk

"Do not pity the dead Harry,pity the living. And above all,those who live without love."-Dumbledore

"Of course it is happening inside your head,Harry,but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?"-Dumbledore

"The wand's more trouble than it's worth. And quite honestly...I've had enough troule for a lifetime."-Harry Potter

"I've finally found something worth protecting, you."-Howl

Yeah. That one quote from Harry,I just really liked it. It made me smile and cry at the same time. No one really pays attention to that. It is the last line,only not nineteen years later.

"I Am Justice!" - Light and L from Death note

"Catch Kira! Misa-Misa would not be able to live in a world without Light!"

"Yes, that would be pretty dark!" - L and Misa from Death Note

"Misa...Its Alright *Wipes Misa's tear*" - Rem from Death Note (I sorta cried at this, it shows how Devoted Rem is to Misa, and how she died for her :) )

tons, really.

i might post more later but the favorite of the moment is:

and i feel the weakness comin on,

never felt so good to be so wrong,

had my heart in lockdown,

then you turned me around~

-boys like girls, hero/heroine

tonsa blg song lyrics, and random people.....

oh, got another

always go to other people's funerals;

otherwise they won't come to yours.

haha xD

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,nothing's going to get better. It's not."-Dr. Suess (I just thought it was funny cuz Dr. Suess is always all happy and everything)
"Do not pity the dead Harry,pity the living. And above all,those who live without love."-Dumbledore

"The wand's more trouble than it's worth. And quite honestly...I've had enough troule for a lifetime."-Harry Potter
i like those too, 'specially the last.

so memorable ^^

my faovrite qute evr was "luke.....i am ur father" *little tear falls out of eye* ITS SO INSPIERING!!! ita the most beautiful quote ive ever heard

Here we go! :D :p

Hey-ho a lez go! - Eddie, SSX Tricky

It's not quantity, it's quality. - My friend said that to me after a football match at school

I wan't to poop back and forth. - I forgot what it is off xP I found it on Albanoblacksheep at the beginning of May '05

Everybody sucks but me! - Homer Simpson, The Simpsons hit and run.

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