Favourite Movie?


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i like the naruto movie no. 3

2nd on my list is the naruto movie no.2

then the naruto movie no.2

i can't wait for da new naruto shippuuden movie

and i loved pirates of the carribean 2 <_< so funny:D

Pirates of the Caribbean, 1, 2, and 3! I'd say they'd have to take the cake for me. I wub those movies. They rock! :)

Other movies I like are:

The Ringer

Forest Gump (Just like TamaMum)

IT (Haha.)

Those are just a couple. I have tons of other movies to list.. But it'd stretch the page majorly. ;)

1. Van Helsing. I was little when I saw it, you'd think I'd be scared. WRONG! Only part I even flinched at was when the werewolf jumped out of the bushes, because it surprised me. I was laughing through it. Little girl+vampire movie= WAAAH! Not HA HA HA HA HA! Lol.

2. Naruto Movie: Snow Country. Wow! I watched an eighty-minute long movie on youtube in japanese! Luckily they put English subtitles. Yay Naruto!

3. Spongebob Squarepants: The Movie. Hillarious! I loved the part when David Hasslehoff(sp?) showed up; and when they were singing the "Men" song. I loved it so much I made my dad get me the video game! Which by the way is really hard DX

4. [Naruto] Mission: Protect the Waterfall Village(if that counts as a movie). XD I <3 everything Naruto

5. Bridge to Terrabithia. Imagination... YAY!

Pirates of the Caribbean, 1, 2, and 3! I'd say they'd have to take the cake for me. I wub those movies. They rock! :gozarutchi:
Other movies I like are:

The Ringer

Forest Gump (Just like TamaMum)

IT (Haha.)

Those are just a couple. I have tons of other movies to list.. But it'd stretch the page majorly. :pochitchi:
I like The Ringer too! How many fingers am I holding? Ten. NO! EIGHT FINGERS AND TWO THUMBS :furawatchi:

I have two.

Bridge to Terabithia! I read the book almost 7 times. :rolleyes: The movie isn't as good, but it's still my favourite!

And... Eight Below! I love the dogs. Huskeys rock~♥ It was funny, too.

Both are sad, I didn't cry through either, and there my favourite movies!

I love Princess Mononoke and Howl's Moving Castle. Those are my top fav's but I have many many more.

Ok, lets see. . .I have so many favourite movies. But my top 3 are:

1) Night at the Roxburry (Comedy... lol laughed so hard I cried XD )

2) House of Wax (Horror..not scary but it's funny seeing people get heads cut off XD )!

3) Star Wars (EVERYTHING!)
