Fear the Gun.


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Katherine panted as she approached Ellie. "Trapped... I heard... A gun." She said, breathing heavily. "What can we do? All the doors are locked!"

Fizz followed Elsbeth, to see a frantic girl, obviously worried. "What now?" she asked, before remembering about her bag. She rummaged through, and grunting when she found some multicoloured spheres*, some music sheets, books, cds, textbooks and a pencil case. "We can't unlock doors with any of these things"

*Bakugan ;P

Katherine rummaged through her purse quickly. House key, no. Pens, no. There had to be something they could do. "OH!" She exclaimed, pulling a bobbi pin from her hair. "Will this work?"


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Fizz nodded. She twisted it a bit, before putting it in the keyhole and trying to unlock it. Nothing.

Aww. See ya ): . I gotta go soon too ;P

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"I'll see what we can do with that. Now follow me! Hurry!"

The girls took off down the hallway and found a spare room at the end.

Elsbeth took the small hairpin, bent it around, and fiddled with the lock. She opened the door to show a very small, unused classroom. Ellie fiddled with the air vent and it opened. Elsbeth climbed in to make sure it was safe enough.

Fizz packed away her things, and followed the two, and climbed up the air vent after Elsbeth.It was an easy feat, because of her height.

I gotta go now ):

Katherine glanced up into the air vent hesitantly. It didn't look safe, but then again, no where in the school was safe right now. She sighed and climbed into the small space. "So what's the plan here?" She asked, trying not to make her voice echo in the vents.

"We have to get the others! There may be more students left around the school, and they are in danger. But the first thing we have to do is hide." Elsbeth whispered in response.

Katherine nodded. "You're right. Now, do you have any idea where we're going? For all we know this could be leading us straight to the shooter..."

Katherine was surprised at Fizz's tone. "Er... Yeah. The shooter. That's why we're in this friggin' vent." She paused, but then added "You guys doknow that's why I was running... right?"

"I agree with Fizz, how do you know it's a shooter?"


"Well, anyway, I have a map through the air vent."

Everyone looked at Elsbeth questionably.

"I spend most of my free time in here, cuz I can spy and stuff."


"Quick, hide! Someone's coming!"

Fizz nodded. "No, I don't know what the shooter is. I'm from New Zealand, and that term isn't really used much there" she admitted.

Katherine sighed. "I know it's a shooter- er, a crazy dude with a gun- because I know what a gun sounds like. My dad takes me to the shooting range all the time. I'm used to it." Then she looked oddly at Ellie. "Uhm, I don't judge and all... but really? This is normal for you?" She glanced around in the dusty, metal vent.

Katherine replied to Fizz'z comment. "New Zealand, huh? Not gonna lie that's pretty awesome." For a moment she smiled and tried to forget about the danger they were all in. But when she heard the footsteps, she was silent. They finally faded, and she exhaled. "That could've been close." She paused, then said; "Oh and by the way, I'm Katherine. Kat, for short." She's forgotten to introduce herself with all the chaos.

Fizz frowned. "Oh, Thought you meant something else" she said, laughing nervously. She then nodded. "Yep, pretty neat place. I'm Fizz. No, it's not a birth name"

Kat chuckled. "Well, on the bright-yet-dim side, at least we're not totally alone. I don't know what I would've done if I wouldn't have found you guys." She glanced at Ellie, who seemed to be totally focused on her map. "So uh, where the heck are we going?"

Fizz laughed. "If I were in that situation, it's be as scared as heck!" she said. "Yeah, where are we going?" she added.

"I mean, not that crawling around in a ventilation system isn't totally fun and all, but seriously... this can't be very good for our lungs. Or our hair." Kat said with light sarcasm.

"Anywhere where we can find the others." Ellie whispered. "We better go, now! Just follow me." Ellie insisted as she crawled through the vent and made a few turns.

"I found an exit! I found a... oh no. Guys, I think we found our shooter."

Kat's eyes grew wide and she felt her heart skip a beat. She wanted to scream, but instead she whispered "WH... WHAT?" through clenched teeth. Her voice was shaky and anxious.
