Fear the Gun.


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Fizz stiffened, as she prevented a gasp from escaping. "Our... our shooter?" she said, biting her bottom lip.

Fotunatley, it was just Morgan, hiding behind a vending machine. She was shaken up, which was weird. Morgan didn't ever get scared, but gun shots were something she hadn't dealt with before. She glanced up, hearing voices coming from the vents. "WHo the h`ll are you?" she whisper-shouted.

Kat let out a sigh of relief. There was no danger, at the moment. "Jesus! You scared the crap out of us!" She replied. Then she climbed out of the vent. "I'm Kat Holmes. We were trying to hide from the gunman. Have you seem him... or her?"

Katherine brushed some fuzz and dust off of her jeans and went to reach into her bag to get her cell phone. "Oh EFF MY LIFE", she complained, "I must have left my bag in the cafe when I took off running."

Fizz picked up her bag and dusted herself off. "Uh, sorry there" she said awkwardly, putting her hand behind her head.

Kat shrugged. "I guess I'll get it later". Assuming we don't all get shot and die... She thought bitterly. Negativity probably wasn't a good idea at a time like this. "So, am I just crazy, or do guys think we should go after the shooter?" She bit her lip nervously; it was a dangerous idea, but maybe- just maybe- the girls could stop him.

Morgan smiled slightly. "I like the way you think, Kat." she said, her mischeivious grin growing as time went by. "I'm Morgan, by the way. I would say nice to meet you, but it kinda sucks we have to meet in the time of a crisis." She ran a hand through her crazy red hair, "No, I haven't seen the gunman, but I've seen a couple of people on the ground, dead."

Hearing Morgan say the word "dead" sent chills down Katherine's spine. But she was right, the only hope was to stop the shooter before he killed them too. She swallowed her fears and said "Then I guess it's settled. Let's find that crazy son of a b***h." The wheels were turning in Kat's head; she had a dark sense for adventure, and this was the perfect test.

Kat held her breath. She mentally crossed her fingers and hoped it was no one that she knew. The idea of any one of her friends being dead made her stomach turn. "Are you sure they were... dead?" She asked nervously. "Maybe they were just, i dunno, unconscious or something...?"

"I couldn't tell, they were so mangled. But they were for sure dead. A shot through the head, stomach, and heart isn't something most people could survive." Morgan said, twisting the star ring on her finger. "Where should we start? I'm thinking we stick together as much as possible, considering he can't shoot all of us at once." She realized what had just come out of her mouth and added, "Not that we will get shot..."

Fizz nodded. "We gotta try to survive. Avoid the shooter and find the exit. And see if we can find any other students" she said.

Kat shivered at the thought. "A shot through the head, stomach, and heart..." Morgan spoke with such lack of emotion; considering she was describing death. "As bittersweet as that does sound, you're right", she told Morgan. "We have to hope for the best and pray that he has really crappy aim." It was an attempt at a joke.

Morgan noticed that she was the most calm of the bunch. Probably because she faced harm every night. With a father that did unspeakable things to her, a gunman seemed a little less threatening. Morgan shook her head. "Well, Fizz, if you want to leave, go right ahead. I'm in the mood for an adventure." The mischeivious grin was back.

Morgan's expression made Kat chuckle. "I know this sounds crazy and reckless, and pretty downright suicidal, but we have to do something", she said to Fizz. "All I can think about is how horrible I would feel if I got away and left my friends here to be hurt or even killed." She wouldn't let that happen, she couldn't. "Morgan, I'm with you."

Elsbeth was really nervous, but pulled herself together inside.

"Cmon, Elsbeth, remember the way of the ninja!!" she thought to herself, and she was instantly calmed. She blinked twice and said...

"So what are we gonna do?" she said excitedly, like she couldn't wait to hunt down a killer and snap his neck in two. It was a rather creepy behavior of hers, but at the moment, she was really proud of herself. "I haven't fought in what seems like ages!"

Kat laughed again. She hadn't thought about it that way. Her father had taken her to self-defense classes since the 3rd grade, and more recently to the shooting range. Her a$$ kicking skills would surely come in handy. Then she sighed. This was still an extremely dangerous plan. As much as Kat wanted to believe nothing would happen to any of them, she knew it was quite likely she or one of the girls would get hurt. "We have to watch each others back, and stick together no matter what." Kat was trying her best to give a pep talk, but in a crisis like this she knew it wouldn't help. Just.Stay.Positive. she thought to herself.
