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the dark and being alone

and BUGS ahhhhhhhhhhhhh i hate them

blood eeeekkk

eney person in a costume like chuckie cheeses *sudders* when i was little i cicked him and ran away and hid in the tubes

(Who stretched the page?! MUST...KILL...)

I'm scared of heights, like really scared. On high rollercoasters I close my eyes because if I open them I freak out and cry and stuff. And spiders with long legs and tiny bodies, other spiders are ok but the ones with small bodies and long legs make me freak out, one time I lifted up my typewriter then this spider like that jumped out and I started shreiking and my gran thought I was getting murdered or something, and I'm scared of killing animals/bugs. One time I squished a snail because it was dark then I ran into my house and started crying, I still feel rotton about it. Now I always go outside at night with a torch

I'm scared of what I'm allergic to. X.x

• Penicillin

• Face paint/Make up

Edit: Oh and people puking. Ohhhhh it's horrible and if I watch someone puke I know I'm next to blow chunks :lol:

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i have a pathalogical fear of clowns i hated them since i was about 3 they just creep me out especial with the midget clown storys

and i absoloutly hate staying home alone because theres creeps who live in my neighborhood and my house is realy weird

but i dont mind staying home alone for 20 minuts like after school.

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I am afraid of:

- Getting old

- Dying

- bugs, slugs, snails, those creepy shellfish-like-things


- When teachers call on me in class randomly. *Shakes fist*

- The flu

I love the dark though.

omg I am scared of alot of things! lets name a couple...dozen

- the ocean

- watever is behind me

- being alone

- death

- going 2 sleep and never waking up ( that kinda goes along w/ death)

- loosing a friend or loved 1

- anything that doesnt like me

- scary stuff

- heights!

-andything gross

- ROLLERCOASTERS! ( god created gravity 4 a reason people, 2 stay on the ground!)

- ghosts

- shadows

- tall lamps

- freak a leak pictures


- my self somtimes, and my actions

- teachers ( all that knowledge can hurt som1!

- things not being perfect (im a perfectionist)

- the thought of the universe never ending acctually scares me!

- like bailey said, dark bathrooms

- anything that can physically (or emotionally!) hurt me.

- having 2 do somthing i dont want 2 do

- throwing up

- I have a phobia of being in the car, i cant stand it when i am in the car 4 a long time, i

start zoning out about the worst possible thing that can happen and it seems like

every car is gonna run into us

- i really dont like loud noises, theycreep me out

so there is the couple dozen of things im scared of! yeah, im alittle weird.

Wootness. xD
I'm not joking.....

And I know what you mean by 'the days go by so fast'....it scares me sometimes. I wanna be happy...but it's weird...my mind sometimes wanders back to everything.

I can't let go of my Cali life now that I've moved. It's like...if I let go...I'm afraid I'll forget...


- Spiders, bugs, etc.

- Ghosts *shivers*

- Guns. :D

- Hurricanes & Tornadoes

- Spiders bugs, etc. because I just creep out. Most of the bugs and spiders look scary, I'm afraid of being bitten again (I have once, and yeah. x_X), and yeah. I only like butterfiles, and the actually pretty ones.

- Ghosts because..um..I'm not sure. It just started a fear. Probably because of YouTube. x_X

- Guns, because you never know when, if, and where you will get shot. I probably won't get shot unless someone like does for some strange reason, but yeah. Famous people have more of a chance than us normal people, but you never know when. *looks around*

- Hurricanes & Tornadoes because those are just plain creepy. Hurricanes are like impossible to escape from if you waited too long or you are in the middle of a traffic jam and the hurricane is hitting your town, and tornadoes because it could rip up stuff that I love.

*gasps for breath of air* *shivers*


I'm not joking.....

And I know what you mean by 'the days go by so fast'....it scares me sometimes. I wanna be happy...but it's weird...my mind sometimes wanders back to everything.

I can't let go of my Cali life now that I've moved. It's like...if I let go...I'm afraid I'll forget...
You won't forget. Something with that kind of impact on your life is practically impossible to forget. Things where you live should work out, and if they aren't now, they will.

I wish life was longer, the minutes didn't go by as quick, and we knew where we were going after life.


^^ Yeah. Those thoughts make me want to hide under my bed....with my dog. I don't want him to go. I know it's early, as he's 8-9 months, but still, I love my dog. He keeps me happy. I would be insane if it weren't for him.

I want to believe in heaven, but at the same time, I keep doubting it...like I'm scared about it not existing...

And it's hard...to just...let go of it....

^ I feel the EXACT way! Like, Heaven seems too good to be true, yet, there's a sence of security from it. And if we don't go there, what happens, ahhhhhh.

My kitty has cancer and only 6 months to live. I wanna go hide under my bed too.

^^ I feel so bad for you!

I remember when my other dog passed away of old age. I was crying the whole day. I hope she's in heaven. I feel like cwying now. These things freak me out....

I feel bad for you and your kitty. I believe that pets go to heaven, because they are just innocent little animals. Actually, all animals go to heaven, or some place like it.

I have 2 major fears,and 1 big 1.

My worst fear blood. I hate the idea that it should be in people,but it's not :)

That's kinda like a phobia

I also can't stand the thought of being buried alive ;)

And clowns,they just plain freak me out :D

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