Feedback on TMGC+Color please!


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May 29, 2009
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Hi everyone,

I'm a 22-year old girl who only had one version of the Tamagotchi in her whole life. (The P1 <3) I had the urge to buy a new Tama a bit ago but all I could find were those horrible models with antenna's sticking out of them. I decided not to get one back then. Now that the new TMGC+COLOR is out I'm really psyched though! They kept the design so beautiful and simple and they finally got rid of the stupid antenna thing. This seems the perfect Tama for an older tama-lover like me so I was thinking about getting one. However I have a few questions since it's been so long since I had a Tamagotchi. I would love it if you could help me out!

1) I saw that the TMGC+COLOR runs on two AAA batteries, does anyone know how long until these need to be replaced?

2) Do you think I will be able to use rechargeable AAA batteries?

3) Does this Tamagotchi need a lot of attention or is it reasonable? I have a full-time job hence I can't keep real pets at the moment and my 27-year old co-worker has a v.4 Tamagotchi he uses at work. I checked with my boss and as long as it does not bother the working activities cellphones, virtual pets and other small electronics are allowed.

4) Will my Tamagotchi die if my battery runs out?

5) Does this Tamagotchi have a marriage and birth system?

6) If so do you need a second TMGC+COLOR to marry?

7) If so will the parent dissapear when the baby is born?

8) Are there any lanyards/cases/other that can be used with this Tamagotchi? I would like to be able to carry it with me easily.

9) Anything else you think I should know about the TMGC+COLOR?

Thank you in advance~!

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1) I saw that the TMGC+COLOR runs on two AAA batteries, does anyone know how long until these need to be replaced?
The original batteries last about 2 months. How long replacement batteries last, depends on the quality of the replacements you install.
2) Do you think I will be able to use rechargeable AAA batteries?
Yes. I've seen posted somewhere that someone tried rechargeable, and they did work.
3) Does this Tamagotchi need a lot of attention or is it reasonable?
They are very needy during the baby stage, requiring care every 10-15 minutes. This stage lasts 1 hour. They become less needy as they mature through to adult form. Adults can be left alone for several hours after you've filled their hungry & happy meters.
4) Will my Tamagotchi die if my battery runs out?
No. Tamagotchis made since 2004 have a small area of non-volatile memory. Every so often, your character's data is stored to this memory. After changing low batteries, you can download your character from this memory.
5) Does this Tamagotchi have a marriage and birth system?
6) If so do you need a second TMGC+COLOR to marry?
No. There is a matchmaker built-in that your character can visit to provide a mate.
7) If so will the parent dissapear when the baby is born?
The parent stays with the baby only about 2 minutes, then abandons her in your care.
8) Are there any lanyards/cases/other that can be used with this Tamagotchi? I would like to be able to carry it with me easily.
The TMGC+C has a lanyard mounting post. You shouldn't have much trouble finding a lanyard that will fit the post.
The TMGC+C is larger than other models, so it won't fit in cases for other models. I've never seen a commercially available case specifically made for the TMGC+C. I have seen people using non-Tamagotchi pouches, and I have seen some home-sewn pouches. I keep my TMGC+C in a small zip-lock bag to protect its screen from getting scratched.

9) Anything else you think I should know about the TMGC+COLOR?
It's all in Japanese. Unless you can read Japanese, you may need a little help with some of the menus and functions. This topic should get you started:
Thank you very much for feedback, Binary! I appreciate you taking the time to answer my question. My native language is Japanese so I doubt I will be having any problems with the Tamagotchi controls. The thread you referred me to was very useful nevertheless though. It's just the maintenance that worried me since it's been a while since I had one. It was horrible to resist Tamagotchi for all these years but since I've been a good girl for this long I decided I'll go ahead and stop by the shop later to get myself one <3 I tried asking the shopkeeper himself these questions too but he said he could not tell me more than what there was to read on the package. Just wanted to be safe, it's the most expensive Tamagotchi I've seen so far so I wanted to make sure I was getting value for my money. >_<

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