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I used to be a feminist until I saw the hate spewed by extremists on tumblr and decided I didn't want to be associated with that. Not only that the statistics such as the wage gap and 1 in 5 statistic are either greatly exaggerated or completely false. Feminism has done great things for us here, but I think it's not really all that needed in the west any more, egalitarianism is what should be strived for in my opinion. I do think it is needed in other countries where women do not have equal rights though, and I have great respect for feminists actually legitimately fighting for equality and reason, such as Christina Hoff Sommers, The Factual Feminist.

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The problem with 'feminism' as it were is nothing to do with the general concept (i.e, equality for women) but a lot of the things that come with it. Feminism has been a very necessary thing in the past, be it women's suffrage, the movements in the 60s and 70s and even today with regards to things like gender pay gaps and so on and so forth. Feminism is all very good until you get to the supporters.

People's views of feminism are massively skewed with the rise of extreme feminism which is not truly feminism itself, the extremists on tumblr who complain about a patriarchy and going so far as wanting more rights or special treatment over men. This is a minoirty of people who support the cause but unfortunately with the advent of an ever connected world, minorities in any regard suddenly have a very large platform on which to broadcast their views when 7 or so years ago they would have been largely ignored. It is this loud, vocal minority that unfortunately disillusion a lot of people from the feminist cause and makes people wary of describing themselves as a feminist.

There are definitely inequalities in the world, less so in developed countries such as the United Kingdom or many other European countries, especially western but they are still there nevertheless. However, when campaigning for things such as more work for female Executive Directors and other managerial positions as well as increased pay, a lot of feminists (including men who can be feminists as well) seem to miss quite a few key points and jump on a bandwagon without carefully discussing or looking at the matter.

Generally, big City corporations do not discriminate against women because this is illegal to do and there are such things as positive discrimination. The issue does not solely remain with them anymore, encouraging both sexes to go for these top positions should be the priority as positions should be allocated based on merit and race and/or gender should not be a factor. This is why I cannot assosciate myself with the cause as it were, not because I don't support it but there is this vocal minority combined with people jumping on the bandwagon that unfortunately do not do the movement any favours.

In an ideal world, we wouldn't need feminism and we wouldn't need mens rights advocates, instead we would want one group with a simple goal, equality and maybe one day we will see that. But until then, the movement for gender equality will always have the bandwagoners and the extremists.

I speak on this as someone living in the UK so my opinion may not ring true outside of here and I am certainly not against feminism.

I would just like to point out that I've seen the term "feminazi" used here. While I get the point, using the word nazi to mean anything other than nazism is extremely anti-semitic. If you want to refer to "bad" feminists, what you mean to say is TERFs. (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists, often shortened to TERFs or radfems)

Generally, radfems leave women of color, trans women, mentally ill women, and disabled women out of their activism, which is what makes them bad.

Those are valid reasons to dislike radfems. But, if you hate a feminist for any other reason, you're clearly being misogynist. (i.e. "i hate feminists because one had a cup that said male tears!!!!) You're not being oppressed because some feminists online said they hate men.

And that is generally what is implied when you talk about "feminazis". Feminazis are nothing but a scapegoat, while TERFs are an actual problem in the feminist community.

tl;dr: stop saying feminazi.

Calling others who have extreme ideas or differing opinions "something-Nazis" is unfortunately quite common it seems (for example, "grammar Nazis"). Terms like that get so overused and then people use them carelessly without thinking (such as me...a few posts ago...whoops.) But I agree that it is tasteless, and it is pretty offensive to trivialize or make comparisons to the horrible stuff the Nazis did...

Good feminists are the ones that want equality for everyone. But if someone hates males, does that make them a misandrist? I think hating females for no reason is bad, so hating males for no reason is also bad too, right? If an extremist feminist hates males, then they are basically stooping to the level of the sexists they are supposedly against. If someone takes insults from a bunch of others, and then throws them right back at the other people, does that solve anything?

I'm not anti-feminist, and I'm anti-sexist. Misogynists have indeed done far more worse stuff and are a bigger problem, but misandry and misogyny are both unacceptable.

Also, some may consider that misandry doesn't really exist...but I have seen some people say that only males cause trouble like this, only males would do something like that, all males are evil, blah blah. I don't know if they are serious, or if they are simply mocking how misogynists think (and quite frankly, I think misogynists deserve to be mocked).

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I am totally for gender equality and I think its total bullshit how females are treated in society. I do not like the standard that men put for women... Even though I'm male I can see what other people have their standards and its really disgusting. The creatures they seek aren't human. I'm always worried about some dude is gonna stare down and hurt my girlfriend ever since she got sexually assaulted by some guys... It made me really paranoid. But sometimes feminism hurts my feelings since some just want to hurt male feelings just because they were born the way they are. But that's just a minority of feminists. I wish there wouldn't be any of this in the world.

Out standards want all of us to be equal... but this is NEVER the case... such a world won't exist.

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