Fictional character crushes.


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I'd say as many as you want.

Just to seize the opportunity when we've got one, you know?

Also out of total irrelevance, I've noticed Greed and I share a common love for money.

Heh. We'd make a great combination, him and me. ;3


for me at least.

' date='+June 01, 2010 05:32 am'] :D
I'd say as many as you want.

Just to seize the opportunity when we've got one, you know?

Also out of total irrelevance, I've noticed Greed and I share a common love for money.

Heh. We'd make a great combination, him and me. ;3


for me at least.
Yay for endless fangirlism! :kuribotchi:

I'm going to tell my friend about Fullmetal Alchemist next time I see her. not sure whether or not she'd decide to read/watch it though, because of the blood and the sad parts (Which nearly got past my emotional immunity once or twice...Maybe I'll start crying at sad stuff in fiction for the first time since I was five) .

Out of total irrelevance as well, my hair's usually plaited. So is Edward's. xD

Tama :) Phantom

PS: So does that mean you have scratched the surface on reseaching "it"? I hope we have a long way to go with looking at this phenomenon that is "it".

I've always cried at the angstier bits of fiction. Still do, in fact.

Only because it's comforting to know that someone else has bigger issues.

Yes, even if they're fictional. That, and my natural childishness.

I need to get around watching Brotherhood so ~

I wouldn't say that, no.

But I assure you I will get to the bottom of this. ;3

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' date='+May 26, 2010 09:39 am'] ^ Germany? Fine. But I get his brother.Right there. I'm forgetting the warning, aren't I?

Let's just say .. click at your own risk. :angry:
<333 His brother is awesome! I now like austria xD

Hmm, Jack's not too bad <3...Don't really like Vincent that much, though.
Jack is.. hotslashmagicalpantsslashswoonable. -melts-

Vincent's a really twisted kind of guy, which makes me love him all the more. ‹3

Hehe. He's always been one of the more hated characters because of it.

But it's their loss, yes? ;3


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