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August 9th, 2012

Blue Tama-Go

I'm getting a lot of my ideas from how I log from TamaAddict, but I don't think he'll mind >u<;;

Anyhow. I decided to start up my Tama-Go. My Blue one I got in 8th grade, I think it's nice since a new year with my old buddy. Plus, its easy to store in the backpack and check, in my opinion its not super needy.


Anyhow, so on with the hatching of a cute little girl. I took a few close-up shots of her and she is the just the cutest. I love the Tama-Go so much :)

Of course she got hungry so I fed her the usual pork and beans, which is very odd to feed a baby, and the usual milk which is super cute since usually in the connections, they don't give you milk to start off, but if they did that would be so cute!


I plugged in my Kutchipatchi figure, the one that came with my other Tama-Go the wave 2 one and I played a game of coins with her, but I really sucked at it, which is just horrible, haha. It took my about 10 tries just to get a picture, and then I actually tried playing, and let's just say I'm pretty rusty.

She's already changed into her toddler stage so quick, but I'll have to update you guys tomorrow since she's tucked away into bed now :) Haha.

August 10, 2012

I got Fanmail! :) Yay. It's from ichiro.malfoy

Thank you so much! It means a lot too me, since this is the first since this log.

Blue Tama-go

Sorry no pictures today for my Tama-Go, can't take pictures at school, was busy at the library and went to see a movie. Least to say, I just now got home at 9:30pm even though its almost 10 now, haha.

Anyways, cute little Ami (that's her name now) evolved into an adorable Hoshitchi, and she behaved like an angel all day and was very nice to not be too needy while I did my school work. Luckily, I'll have all weekend to take care of her.

However in second period she beeped out for me since I forgot to turn her on silent, luckily the class wasn't quite and the tama isn't too loud, I saw that she just wanted me to play with her. I turned her on silent and played a game of Shoot The Bug and put her away.

I checked on her throughout the day and she seemed to be just fine :) Which I am grateful for. I love her and I hope to run her for awhile and see her great-great-great-x10 children. It'd be really interesting to see if I could get to gen 99 like TA22 (Check out his log on Tama-Zone if you want), haha.

Scholastic Odd Pet

Now I got this odd pet from my friend today, well I had to pay her $5, but I thought it would be a Tamagotchi, however I was wrong. It's a scholastic virtual pet I believe, since I've ordered one before from scholastic when I was in elementary school. It's a multi pet I believe and I'm going to start it up very shortly. At the end of this log, you'll see pictures of it. It has an infra-red spot, which is super weird since I didn't think they made connectable ones. The last one I had looked like this (click). As you can see it has a sort of triforce in the background, like the one from Zelda. The one I have is also like that. I actually had that same one in about 4th grade (The one in the picture).

So here is me starting up that virtual pet. Lots of pictures, will be included in the next post so stay tuned, it will be posted very, very shortly. :)

Yes that Pet thing! it came with a lame book but i only got it cos i thught it was a genuine Tama LOL

June 18th, 2013

Man it feels like it's been forever.

So, I started up my White Tama-Go just for the heck of it and downloaded it.

This used to be my friend's and she gave it to me, so I wanted to see who she had before.


And the little guy who was on there is a Hoshitchi!

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June 21, 2013 - 12am

So, I didn't know that starting a Morino up at 12am would make him sleep instantly.

Anyways, so I started up the fella, Im going to call him Squirt. Anyways, he's just the cute little grub thing right now, but he's asleep so I won't have any updates until tomorrow, really! Or well, later today when he wakes up.



I'm really excited to be running him for 3 generations since I'v only ever ran him once before!
June 21st, 2013 - 2pm

More updates since he's awake now!
I hope you guys enjoy seeing the Morino for THREE generations! Or well, three playthrough since
the Morino can't breed or anything.

Tamagotchi Morino


So little Squirt here is this cute little black grub type of insect.
Right now he's just wanting some attention since he's starving from that long nap.


The only food option we have at the beginning is a simple leaf.
So, I fed Squirt the little leaf a few times and soon he was filled up with
the deliciousness of the leaf.


So after I fed the little guy, he was in dire need of happiness.
The only thing about playing a game is that it brings your little guy's
weight done and if I remember correctly, he has to weigh
a lot to survive. So the game is basically trying to find where the little
leaf is hidden and we found it many times which got him lots of happy

So this is the jist of how the little baby grub starts out as! :)
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June 22, 2013

I kept trying to get pictures of a frog or human attack but I'm too slow!
Anyways, cute little Squirt evolved today into Imotchi the bigger looking
grub thing.



So I went to check out what new food he got and it showed me icecream! So I took a quick picture and then clicked on the food menu again
but it changed to candy! Weird.

Not to much exciting things happened today.
He did try to get stepped on twice though! Which was a bit exciting
since its always fun to tap the case and what not.
June 23, 2013

Nothing happened today.
Like at all, but I thought it'd be nice if I checked in xD

I did take a picture since there were two poops on the screen and
I didn't notice them for awhile xD (dang screensaver)


June 24, 2013


Today these two guys came in the mail! :D
The v3 even came with this cute little character sheet.

Now I'm waiting on a v4 (from Ciara683) and a v1.
My friend also bought me an Uratama.
No idea why, I literally just met him.

Well, I'm not going to argue even if he is trying to buy friendship, lol.



This morning Squirt evolved into the cocoon stage and I plan on keeping
him on the cold side. Not freezing but in the middle of the cool side, I guess.
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June 25, 2013

Today I got my v4 in the mail! I bought it from ciara683 and this is the shell.



Today Squirt turned into Tentotchi. Since I'll be running him another 2 times,
I will be aiming for the Twin Ants and Helmetchi.


I decided to start up my ID L since it's been awhile.


I have the white ID L and some have you may have seen my previous log with the ID L in it.
The egg in the ID L is soooo cute. I'm not sure if the ID, + COLOR, or P's egg is the same, but
gosh, I love it.


When you start up the ID L or reset it, you have to set the time, your birthday, and
enter your name. In this case, I entered a heart and a musical note since I'm a lazy bum.
You only start off with rice and candy, I'm not sure if you can buy more food, but I do know
you can go to restaurants and what not.


Like always, the baby always gets sick at least once and then you have to dope it up with
meds for it to get better. I think it likes being sick more than it does getting medicine.
The one thing I love about the color tamas (and actually made me want one) is the fact
that you can see them sleeping in a bedroom and in a bed. I just find it so adorable.

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Update! Haven't updated you guys in a few days.

v1 - gen 1


I started up my new pink v1, I named her rose.
I can't wait to see what adult I get = u= I think the best thing about the v1 is that its cute and simple. Not only that, when it's a baby you get to feed it milk and chocolate milk from a bottle. If I recall correctly, I don't think any other tama does that unless you buy milk but it won't be in a baby bottle shape either.

ID L - gen 2


Also, my ID L is on the 2nd generation now and is a teen!
He should be an adult tomorrow c: My favorite teen <3

Short update for you guys!

v1 - Gen 1


I feel like Rose went through the toddle sage so quickly.
She's a lovely ichigotchi now, though :D

ID L - Gen 2


Our little Happabouyatchi evolved into Sunopatchi!
Sunopatchi is sooo cute. I could just keep him forever <3
Sorry guys @.@ I was gone for a couple days so here are some pictures! :D

ID L - Gen 3


I took my little guy to the match makers place to get him married, so I had him marry a Furawatchi real quick

so we could have a little baby for our hatch!


Out popped a cute little girl!

My favorite baby girl ever I think. I can't wait to see what adult we get <3




Paletchi met some blue guy in the park

I didn't get any pictures of Sabosabotchi, but I got pictures of her as an adult!

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ID L - Gen 3



The little pet in the pethouse is the strawberry one :D Now I just need the 4th Happy Symbol!

V1 - Gen 1

I had Ichigotchi as my teen and now she is a Tarakotchi > w <

She just passed away....I only left her alone for maybe an hour!

;u; Well, time to start over.
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Sorry, I keep forgetting to update you guys!

(that's a lie, I've been too busy watching Supernatural, but after today I'm all caught up so I'll have more time

for homework and taking pictures!)

ID L - Gen 4

So, Pitchipitchi had a little boy and from there he turned into Kaubotchi.

He then turned into Bokuhoshitchi and now he's a Gozarutchi! (Yep, I've been that preoccupied that I neglected

him so much that he turned into a cute ninja)


Here are his current "stats".

3 Happy Symbols

2191 GP



Gen 4

Pocket Puppy


Today I also started up the pocket puppy. It seems like it's going to be a high maintence pet, so wish

me luck! c:

Hey guys, so I put my ID L on "pause" - took the batteries out and I also did that with my Pocket Puppy.

It seems without school, I'm even more distracted to take care of them.

I'm also planning on making an Entama/Uratama hatch that starts on August 3rd.

I'll make the Planning topic near the end of the week so if anyone is interested and reading this,

look out for the topic in "Group Hatchings".

Gozarutchi did get married and have a baby so when I start it up again, I'll have a little

boy ready for me :)

Hey guys! I decided to start up my Music Star!

I really need to make sure I always have a virtual pet running or I will just get out of the "tama phase".

I decided to hatch my green music star with drums and stars.

I really like this shell design.



I got a lovely little boy and I decided to name him Charles.

Why? Because why not.

I've been playing some games with him these are his music stats so far

Tone - 30

Rhythm - 30

Original - 16

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Sorry! I forgot to take pictures of Charles in his toddler form!

He just evovled so quickly. He turned into a Kutchitamachi.

Now as you can see, he is a Kikithci :D I'm probably going to get Mametchi or Shimashimatchi<3.



I named his band "Gods". Not sure why, but I did.

He's the only guy in the band. Surrounded by the ladies.

Oh yeah.

Current stats (I plan to get them all to 300 by tonight)

Tone - 229

Rhythm - 228

Original - 230

July 29, 2013

Hey guys! I started up the Tamakaci Pet yesterday.

You may have seen them before. There is many on ebay and they are VERY cheap and worth the price.

It runs like a duck gyaoppi. I will post pictures of the evolution updates and once I get really familiar with it,

I will make a review! :) (hopefully)

Music Star

Today, Charles evovled into Mametchi! :D I haven't had him in awhile.

And here you can see that his band-mates are now a Chantotchi and a Mimitchi.

We also really need to practice more if we're gonna hit the big stage.





Here are the first two evolutions of the Tamakaci pet. If you've ever played with the duck gyaoppi,

you can see that its the same. So far, he's only pooped ONCE. So he doesn't poop a lot, at least not yet.

(Tamenagerie said it poops a lot) And the last picture is a stock photo of the virtual pet.



July 30th, 2013

Early log update! Since I won't be home until tomorrow night.

Music Star

No pictures today, but so far he has not gotten another notice to perform for the judges.

Hopefully they come back today! We need money or he's going to starve to death.

Working at the bakery and what not doesn't earn him as much cash as performing does.


We got another evolution of the guy today! He's so cute!

Unfortunately when I was scrolling through the menu and pressed the "C" button,

it reset the virtual pet. It's a really cheap pet, haha.


Version 3

Started up the v3 today for the group hatch, "End of Summer Hatch".

I got a baby girl, yay, and named her "Dana". We played lots of games with her,

which got tiring at times but I didn't want her to be too chubby.




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July 31st, 2013

I wasn't sure if I was going to be home tonight, but I am! So I can post an update for you guys :)

Music Star

No pictures, again, but Charles and his band FINALLY got the "Pro Debut!".

He's making lots of money and is currently at 2nd rank! :)

He's currently 4years old and has everything at 999 except Tone.

Tone is at 909.

Version 3

So, our little girl, Dana, has evolved today. I was at the lake today so I didn't get

to play with her too much but I didn't allow her to get a care miss, not that it matters on the v3.

( I think it doesn't, idk) She turned into an Obotchi. :)


August 1st, 2013


Version 3

Nothing happened too much with her.

Still a teenager and she will be for another day or too.

Music Star

Charles got married today!!

He got married to a lovely Kunoitchi and they had a baby girl! :)



Dinosaur Pet

I got this guy in the mail today! With packaging and everything


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