Fights with freinds


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Well-known member
May 10, 2008
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On the Moon with the Jonas Brothers.
Have you ever had a fight with your freind? Whats your worst? My worst was when me and one of my freinds gave a note to my freind saying that we needed a break from her because she was mean to us, and she got so mad at us she didnt talk to us for awhile, but we eventually made up, and i like her now. =)

Mine was online. It's a long story, so I'll try and make it short...

I got in a fight with someone online because they were taking credit for my ideas and lying about who hacked their account, so I yelled at the person who was thought to be the hacker, but it turned out they weren't and then everyone hated me cuz they refused to look at what THEY did themselves.

But we're all okay now. Best friends, actually ^-^

((Well, I'm not sure about how the feel towards me...))

I can only recall getting into one actual fight during my whole life. @__@

This happened about 1.5 or 2 monthes ago.

Well, I was on the phone with my one bbf (vampireknight on TC) and my other bbf's ex-boyfriend. vampireknight and I were trying to prove my other bbf 'innocent' (because she was and still is) and he wasn't listening or believing us. So I yelled at him. I yelled pretty friggin loud too. Mainly because I was way passed p*#$&%

Her ex- thinks he's still friends with me. I pretend to be his friend. He is still an idiot and will forever be one.


All of my fights were minor arguments that were solved in one day and generally didn't truely involve me, just a friend and other friends of mine.

Once, though, I got really mad at my friend two years ago because she was always mean to me and everyone (she got better last year, though) and I kind of yelled at her/gave her the cold shoulder and didn't really talk to her for the rest of the day. After that though, everything went back to normal the next day.

Another time last year my friends got in a huge all day fight. A few of my friends wanted to become 'popular' and sit in another area of our school to eat lunch. We said okay, and they left. They came back about ten minutes later and were screaming and crying at us because they thought we were being mean. They apparently thought it was rude that we didn't decide to go over and sit with them. So, by the end of that lunch everything was okay.

Eh, one of my friends gets EXTREMELY ticked off at the littlest things. >..>

If you're even trying to help her she gets TOed and gets really rude. Like, I was trying to show her how to Prnt Scrn and she just totally flipped and I was like "what the f[iretrucks]." >..<

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