Films rated above your age?


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My mom never really cared what I watch. She didn't like me watching the South Park movie when at 12 though XD

Now I'm of age to watch whatever rating I want, so it doesn't matter.

I'm old enough to watch anything I want now :D

But I remember watching a programme on TV one evening with my Mum - this was when I was about ... 12yrs old maybe... and there was a man walking around naked in the scene... :D

my Mum got quite embaressed and said.. "oh... I think it's time you went to bed now..." ;)

.. and I was thinking "Ewwww... a naked man... " :D

Nice, TM. I can basically watch any movie..except XXX. (those movies are just SICK) It doesn't really matter to my parents, what the rating is, it matters what the movie is.....strange.

~*ice*~ [/color

I can. Like what ice mountain said, it doesn't really depend on the rating. I'm just not allowed to watch "strange" movies.

Matchy :D

yeah i can watch movies that are above my age but my mom or dad has to be there well they really dont have to but on most of the movies

I watch as I please. I just cant watch Beavis n Butthead when my brothers are in the room. Yup, my dad sometimes watches these freaking scary and retarded movies Rated R with my in the room. I go as I please

Well, it depends on WHY the movie got that rating.

If it's the movie has sexual things in it, then I'm not aloud- nor do I want to- watch it.


Me and my dad love 2 fast 12 furious and Fast and the Furios

Yes, I am allowed to watch pretty much whatever I want to. I make my own descisions though. If the movie's rated "R" because of violence, then I choose if I want to watch it. (If it looks like I may not be able to sleep because of it, I won't watch it.) If it's because of inappropriate content, I might watch it. (I won't watch if there are naked people) I am thirteen, so PG13 movies are my age.

I don't really watch movies and I hardly go to the cinema (My last one was... hmm, I can't even remember.) So most of the movies I watch are on TV. (So they shouldn't be XXX things, now should they? ^_^ )

My parents will let me watch PG-13.. they don't say things like "Oh! You cannot watch it because you are not 13!" It depends on the movie.

Example: Harry Potter started out at PG. But the 4th one was PG13. So my parents let me see it anyways. We've read the book anyways, it's not like we don't know whats going to happen.

Example 2: My parents offered to take me to Pirates of the Carribean (sp? Argh.. X__x) 2. Because they thought the 1st was a good movie. Even though I didn't go.

So, it really depends. I had a wanting to see 'disturbia' and 'The invisible' although my parents probably didn't.

My mom doesn't care, as long as I don't immitate anything I watch.

As long as it's not porn, then I'd watch it.

When I was little, my mom was very overeactive 'bout the things I watch. If she saw even a speck of blood or something, she'd get me out of the room.

But now, we both favor scary, not-good-for-kids movies/shows. Whenever she see's a speck of blood, my mom pats the seat and asks me to join her.

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I was 12 and I went into a PG-13 movie once. My mom forced me to - it was romance. I nearly threw up - it was so gross (kissing). Now I am used to that (I do it myself)

I think I can watch what ever I want. Actually I believe I can.

My dad isn't to pleased if he sees me watching "Family guy" But I match

the rated age. So I don't think he minds to much.

I remember when I had a sleep over, and one of my friends brought

over: "The Blare witch project" (Which is like 18+) And my dad was like...

"You sure You wanna watch it?" And of course I wanted to watch it! xD

But I'm glad he wasn't all: "Oh you can't watch it" Lol =P

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