Fire Emblem Awakening


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May 5, 2014
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I know its out for a pretty long time. But i just LOVE it. Fire emblem awakening fans unite! What character did your Avatar marry? Which support did you like the most? Anything! Have fun!

Oh my god I LOVE Fire Emblem Awakening! I have been waiting for a topic for this!!

I have like three copies of the game bc I didn't wanna overwrite save files and I have 7 save files at the moment. On my first one I married Chrom, but that was accidental automarriage, I also did that on two others as well bc I like having Lucina as my daughter. On my others I married Libra, Miriel, Tiki, and Gaius.

In case you couldn't already tell, my favourite support chain is the Henry/Sumia one, I have them married on literally all of my save files, I cannot marry them to anyone other than each other.

Three copies? Wow... I married Chrom and Panne probably going for Olivia or Nowi next time. Never made Henry plus Sumia i don't really like Cynthia with white hair. I think its weird why Sumia has like only 5 S-supports. Guess she is picky.

Huh, I actually think Cynthia looks cute with white hair, but each to their own I guess.

I'm thinking I'm probably gonna marry Maribelle on my next playthrough.

I am thinking of marrying Nowi or Tiki

My weirdest support is probably Gaius and Nowi just can't imagine it.

I've gotten the C support between Gaius and Nowi, not too sure how I feel about it yet, it seems ok.

Probably the one support chain I've achieved that I'm not too fond of is Tharja and Kellam, that was kinda... eh...



Happy birthday, Cherche! (in NZ timezone anyway)

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Haha, funnily enough, I liked both Sumia and Henry as individual characters before I even thought about them as a pairing! They're my favourite characters as well as my favourite pairing lol

I also like Brady, he is my son (in game too, since I've actually married Maribelle now)

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Ohhhh my god, however did I miss this thread! x3; On my first (casual) run my avatar married Henry (because, because I love that affable idiot so much TTATT;;; ). On my hardcore classic run I played with a male avatar and of course married Nowi because Manakete Morgan is statistically the best Morgan you can get in the entire game.

Support-wise, I adore the female avatar/Tharja conversations... they crack me up without fail every single time. Then there's Gregor and Cherche, Vaike and Panne as well as Nowi and Libra. Virion and Miriel was the randomest couple I ever considered but their supports were also too crack-worthy to pass up.

Oh my god, I LOVED the Nowi/Libra supports they're really cute! I also liked the Olivia/Donnel supports.

In second-gen supports I rather liked Cynthia/Brady, Lucina/Gerome, actually quite a few involving Cynthia or Lucina.

I've never played Classic mode because I just couldn't bear to lose even one of my units permanently.

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Oh yess! x3 I married Olivia and Donnel in my first playthrough~ As for second gen... it was the only time in the game where I wished I could actually couple two characters of the same gender... boy Morgan/Yarne would make such a cute couple, in my opinion... ;3; then again I'm just weird, I guess...

I'm used to classic because I play Fire Emblem since the beginning of time; the trick is, if you plan ahead you don't 'HAVE' to lose anyone. As a matter of fact I beat my game in hardcore classic without losing any of my units. I had to make do in some situations (like the fight where you get Gerome in which I didn't save all the villagers) but with adequate grinding, smart marriage choices and understanding of the class system it's doable. (I must admit there was a fight or two in which I made stupid choices but that's why we always save the game before entering combat, and more than a few instances that actually came pretty close).

Yeah, I'll probably just stick to what I'm used to, to be honest. Maybe one day, but not yet.

Just a hint in case you ever decide to go with it~ :3 Every child character has a lot more potential than any parent given the right spread/abilities so it's good to research your marriage choices early~ (Also make sure to play with a male avatar so you can get a Manakete or Taguel Morgan. I firmly believe that Manakete is the way to go, but I've seen people run very nice Taguel Morgans as well.)

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Ooh, thanks!

I actually have a Manakete Morgan on one of my save files and yeah she actually is really powerful.

My most powerful unit always ends up being Cynthia though, and on all my save files her father is always Henry, so I must be doing something right.

As a matter of fact, I believe you are. Henry-fathered Cynthia has minimal drawbacks with pretty darn good bonuses in that stat spread, the only possible competitor being a Chrom-fathered Cynthia with Luna/Aether combo. My personal favorite variant is Henry-fathered Bride Cynthia with Dual Support (from Valkyrie). There's simply nothing that can beat her in terms of support.

On most of my save files I've made Cynthia a Falcon Knight, inheriting the skills Galeforce and Vengeance from her parents, but on my most recent save file, I made her a Sorcerer instead, still inheriting Galeforce, and that is probably my favourite variant so far.

I usually tend to stick with what I know works, but sometimes I'll try something new.

Just a hint in case you ever decide to go with it~ :3 Every child character has a lot more potential than any parent given the right spread/abilities so it's good to research your marriage choices early~ (Also make sure to play with a male avatar so you can get a Manakete or Taguel Morgan. I firmly believe that Manakete is the way to go, but I've seen people run very nice Taguel Morgans as well.)
What are good pairs then i started a new file and want to beat apothesis. I am thinking of

FeMu + Chrom

Donnel + Nowi

Kellam + Sully

Henry + Sumia

Hmmm... here's my thoughts on those pairs.

Chrom is much better off with anyone else, Lucina gains exactly zero things from FeMU parentage (except a pair of unique classes? and then why? You're basically losing out on another Manakete if you want to maximize potential output from a male MU) and when I say exactly zero I mean it 100% and the FeMU potential is wasted completely. Then again, you can marry her to a Chrom-fathered Inigo for a better male Morgan, but ehhh... something that stacks more damage isn't necessarily the best option. (besides with some optimization you can clear Apotheosis even with first generations),

Donnel x Nowi is a good choice because Donnel passes down Sol/Aptitude, and even though Nowi is better off with a male MU or Kellam in my opinion (to make an uber-tank Nah) it's not a horrible choice.

Although Donnel x Sully to pass Aptitude to Kjelle is an even better idea...

Henry x Sumia gets all of my support as mentioned before~ In my opinion Henry makes the best possible father for Cynthia with the exception of one setup that could use Chrom.

Hmmm... here's my thoughts on those pairs.
Chrom is much better off with anyone else, Lucina gains exactly zero things from FeMU parentage (except a pair of unique classes? and then why? You're basically losing out on another Manakete if you want to maximize potential output from a male MU) and when I say exactly zero I mean it 100% and the FeMU potential is wasted completely. Then again, you can marry her to a Chrom-fathered Inigo for a better male Morgan, but ehhh... something that stacks more damage isn't necessarily the best option. (besides with some optimization you can clear Apotheosis even with first generations),

Ever seen tactican Lucina? Oh my i love Tactican Lucina.
As said, just a couple of extra classes. But then again do you really need 2x Morgan? My favorite Lucina is Olivia-mothered Lucina which only gets a negative point in DEF and RES to compensate for her massive boost in virtually every other stat and (FeMU aside) is also the only Lucina that can run a viable Sniper due to being that strong physically. She can be ran as either a Dark Flier (albeit with no access to Tomefaire) or a Sniper (personal fave)/ Assassin.

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