First Dance...


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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
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Hey guys.

Well, I went to this dance club on the weekend for young teens and there was alot of dancing going on. My friends were all dancing with tons of various boys, and I didn't dance with anyone. I was too nervous.

Near the end of the dance, my friend tried to find me a guy to dance with. Finally, she pushed me ontop of a guy and said, "DANCE WITH HIM!" He wasn't very good looking at all, and I really didn't want to dance with him. He said he wanted to dance with me, and I didn't want to be mean and reject him. So I grudgingly had my first dance with him, and later on I felt like crying.

I wanted my first dance to be special.....for it to mean something. I wanted it to be with a guy I really liked, not with some random person that I've just met and will never see again. I wanted it to be amazing and the best thing I've ever experienced......but now, just because I was too nice, my first dance was with a stupid guy that means nothing and never will.

I just feel so bad about this! I know there is nothing you guys can do, and I know it's my own fault, but I just want some sort of feedback. Thank you.

For most people, their "firsts" are major dissappointments. First kiss, first dance, first date, first anything really. I think it's because you build them up so highly in your mind that when it does happen, it is very unlikely to live up to your fantasy. In my opinion, it's good to get a "first" over with, because then you've already become familiar with whatever it is that you are doing and there is only room for improvement. :furawatchi:

My first dance was nice. But,like Audrey Hepburn said, we think of it as being something big,when it won't be as big as we imagined. Hope I helped! :(

[SIZE=13pt] :p Like Aubrey said, the first dance, kiss, date or anything over that matter usually isn't all that great.[/SIZE]

And trust me, it's very true. O.O"


Even though this dance didn't turn out so great for you, doesn't mean it has to be your last! ^_^ "

You'll find your special loved one, and get the chance to dance with him. =] *Nod, nod*

So don't fret over this dance, because the first dance doesn't always have to be the best dance.

My first dance didn't mean anything either.

I'm sure you'll have another dance, and it will be special. It will mean something to you.

It doesn't matter if the first time you dance with someone, it isn't special. It's who you dance with later, and the first time it actually does mean something to you. :]

Like Aubrey said first everythings tend to be disappointements.

Mainly because you fantasise it to be something that it will never be.

But if you want to have your fantasy dance then ask out somebody you really like.

(Note for the future, don't feel bad rejecting a guy)

Just remember, firsts aren't usually much better than 2nds, 3rds, etc.. -_-

It's ok. Your first dance isn't really supposed to be like a special first, dancing is like something that can be just like a fun thing that you just do for fun, or it can be like a really close personal thing. Your first dance is kind of supposed to be just a not serious fun thing. I am sorry you didn't have fun but it's not like you will always regret the way your first dance happened. You will have really really special dances in your life and you will probably just forget that one. Just look forward to other dances like... your slow dance at your senior psom, your wedding day and that sort of stuff. Because those are the dances you will remember ^_^

but girl, at least you danced with someone at your first dance. i was too shy to ask anyone in all of my grade 7 dances. :angry:

It shouldn't be the "first" that's special, it should be the "best".

Like people said, firsts usually suck, so don't worry - there will be many more dances.

Also I bet that boy was happy afterwards, lol.

You know to me a first dance isn't a big deal...heck it's not even considered one of my firsts in my opinion :D I know a lot of people who are like that too. I wouldn't worry about the first dance sucking. It's just a dance :lol:

Yeah- what they said. xD

I haven't danced with anyone ever at all so you are one up on me. :mametchi:

Aww. ]:

My first dance with a guy was pretty good.

I held hands and did a swing dance with a good guy friend of mine.

Unfortunately we aren't as good friends now as we were then.

I also did 'social dancing' with guys in Year 7 but it wasn't intimate.

I haven't had a slow, passionate dance yet though, that's what really matter.

I just had my first dance earlier this year (summer camp thing). it's wasn't quite as bad as yours tho, but still one HECK of an embarassing moment! (well, it depends on what you think of embarassment)

I was dancing the faster dances like normal, but then a slow song came on, and I'd never slow danced before, so I wasn't planning on dancing that part, but then the councilers where all like, "You have to dance or everyone will have to go back to your cabins" because nobody wanted to slow dance.

I ended up getting stuck with my CRUSH, which was one of the younger councilors (16, twin). I had never slow dance before, and I could tell by how it felt he was good at it. I guess he was feeling nice, so he was trying to show me how, but I STEPPED ON HIS TOES! AGH! How embarassing. Have you ever tried to concentrate on your feet and another persons face at the same time! It's like trying to look left and right at the same time.... Finally the song ended. I was slightly relunctent to let my crush go, but I had to, or else I would look clingy (He didn't know I liked him).

well, I tried to keep in touch via internet, but I can tell he's not to good at that. Oh well...

For most people, their "firsts" are major dissappointments. First kiss, first dance, first date, first anything really. I think it's because you build them up so highly in your mind that when it does happen, it is very unlikely to live up to your fantasy. In my opinion, it's good to get a "first" over with, because then you've already become familiar with whatever it is that you are doing and there is only room for improvement. :(
This is exactly correct.

My first dance...well I don't normal dance, just slow dance and a little ballroom at first it was great, I was nervous and it was hot so I knew I was sweating a little bit. But I was scared, (and stupid George was trying to take pics of us on his tiny tiny phone)

LIke first relationships, pretty much nobody stays with their first bf/gf. I already have an ex, and at first he was sweet, now he's a jerk. I find it his loss. It but as Aubrey said, first everythings are disappointments. My first date was pretty ok... but usually "firsts" kind of prepare you for nexts.

My first relationship prepared me for-dates, meeting parents, slow dancing, and being in a relationship.

I have a friend who had a VERY short first relationship, and now, she has been with a guy for almost a year!!! So "firsts" are usually done to prepare you for "nexts"

"Everything will be alright in the end. If it's not alright, it's not the end."

Think about that. It's not a biog thing to stress over. And, honestly, I wouldn't count it as a first dance, considering you were forced into it.

First dances are overrated.

You step on each others feet, and both go home later dizzy, with sore toes.

It's not something I look forward to, and I don't hold it in high standard either.

Did you expect it to be a fairy tale?

lol O..O TWP ~ "xD-what they said"

I'm sorry that your first dance didn't go as planned, my first dance wasn't the best either. :p Hopefully your next one will be better, and you can learn from this experience. ;)



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