First Dance


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Actually, when I used to go to school dances, I just ran around and poked random people and then ran away xP! Every one danced, except for me :p . It was such a guilty pleasure :p . You're romantically dancing with your crush when-- poke! That would be me xDDDD!

That's kind of mean. I would be mortified if someone poked me when I was dancing with my crush! :D

I just found out our dance is in December. I can't wait! ^^


Mine was horrible.

I wanted to dance with Scott, and he said no. D<

I still go to the dances either he's there or not.

But I'll try again this year. D=

I danced with Amanda this year to some JB song. xP

From the first official dance [if you just have to be technical], I slow danced with Shane, twice, to Listen To Your Heart by Kelly Clarkson and.. Another song. Listen To Your Heart was the very last song, and he actually went about it in a pretty sweet way. o.o

Otherwise I danced with my idiotic friends.. Though I can't say much here, because I was equally stupid when it came to dancing and screaming the songs we happened to know the words to.

I now have no voice.

Yes, it was nearly 2 years ago with the guy I'm still crushing on, and it was to the song "Falling In Love Again". ;)

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