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Well-known member
May 3, 2007
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So what are your fave fonts and where do you download them. eXDee

i mostly get them from

I like glitter font it's just bubbly and loud ^..^! Is that what you meant by font?

My favourite font is century gothic. 'Tis just super awesome x3

And I really like Jokerman. It looks all kiddy and wacky and awesome and that is just amazing. The font Yummeh Strawberriez is cool too. I downloaded it off some website.

When I have to type up stuff for school I use Tahoma. It rocks. =D

My fave font for titles and stuff is something called VTKS Easy Way . . or something =J

Try it sometime.

Yeah me too i also download in

the fonts there are great.

Century Gothic.

However, I can't seem to get it on my signature. :/

I've tried and and . None work ;[

Century Gothic.
However, I can't seem to get it on my signature. :/

I've tried and and . None work ;[
Try putting a space between the two words. It works for me that way. ;D


I like Jokerman, Ransom, Century Gothic, and Mistral. x3

Ah, the wonder of fonts. I love them. I really do.

My favorites are Calibri, Century Gothic, Vrinda, Levenim MT, Euphemia, Candara, Eurostile, Corbel, the list could go on. Haha, I sound like I'm listing bands I love or something. It's pretty sad that I know these off by heart. But I do.

And then I also love all the weird wacky ones that are very childish and practically impossible to read. You know, the ones everybody else hates.

Like, typing in Webdings is fuuun. It confuses people. 8D

Eurostile, Segoe Script, Teen Light ITC, Century Gothic, Vrinda, Catholic School Girls BB, Edwardian script [has nothing to do with Twilight], Calibri, Brush script, Trebuchet MS, Bradley Hand ITC and much moree....

I have like 123872391238129 fonts on my compiee=]

[SIZE=14pt]Tis the kewless[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Tis da bomb[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Tis hard to read[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Tis lame[/SIZE]

Blippo Light SF ftw.

I wonder if it works on here... Test. Test. Test. Did any work? o_O Ack, I don't even have Blippo Light SF on this computer, it's on my Laptop. This computer's too old to have loads of fonts, I think it has about 12. x.x

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