Food Fight! 8D


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Ahh! *Gets hit with noodles-

*Throws pasta at the person below* (TK's idea)

-is now tangled in spaghetti-

throws pizza like a frisbee and hope it hits someone

*Gets hit smack dab in the face with pizza*

Hmm. Thanks, Pais! I love pizza. xD

*Spills tea all over person below*

nooo not again (i still have a scar from last time i spilled tea on myself o_O) -is now badly burned-

Throws a handful of gumballs at person below. this better hit someone, each one costed 25 cents! lol

*opens mouth and eats chocolate* Thank you! Chocolate is good!

*throws grape soda at everyone* I love the grape soda!

*Get's hit with everything*

*Chucks Honey Dew at the person below*

Ow! Cat fish!

-Chucks last week's meatloaf ATPB.- (At the person below)

*Pops outta nowhere* I'MMA ZELDA FANGIRL. *Gets covered in Lon Lon Milk* ...HAHA!

*Gets hit in the face with meatloaf* Gross, SG! xDD *Throws meatloaf back at SG*

>8D *Spills warm milk all over person below*

Get's hit with meatloaf, and warm milk. I'm not a baby with my bottle anymore!

*Throws Dorito's ATPB.-


spills pudding allover floor >8D

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