Food Fight! 8D


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Noooooo! Pointy Carrot! I'm blind! I'm blind!

*throws bacon grease into the hair of TPBM*

*gets head stuck in it and the force of the blow knocks me down through the land into the ocean. "Hum, this kind of back-fired...."*

jabs pointy blue chip ends at TPBM's arms. "Heheheee!! Feel da paiiiinnn!!!"

Is that really food?

-Ducks becuase dosen't want to get infected-

-Chucks meat pies ATPB-

*gets it straight in the face.*

"Now this just isn't funny."

I throw...

super spicy peppers into

TPBM's eyes

WHO have their eyes open.

(I put some food in someone's eyes before... or tried to in this topic.. they shut their eyes. Grrr!!!)

*sighs, realizing I have to pick noodles out of my hair for the night*

throws berries at TPBM

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