free royal coustom works look i swear


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:kusatchi: I need Help! :huh:

:chohimetchi: I used the royal costume :mimitchi:

:eek: And i got a password :eek:

:D It said password for ?? :D

:) The password is 59730 98764 :)


you kknow, u could have at least asked her or given her credit before doing that! its against the law, and its not rude. i cant belive u would do that!!! ugh, thats discusing! but it actually works!

^^ That's why she said that you have to use the username GKB.
I really hope that wasn't plagiarized from Tama Zone, like cheypie987 said. Plagiarism is against the law if you took something from someone that was copyrighted. Unless you were the one that wrote that... I don't know. :huh: :( :blink: .
It isn't ileagal unless it is like say u useed it 4 selling something or that stuff but what they did isn't ileagal.

i usally dont reply but since this is such a great post thanks

:furawatchi: :rolleyes:

well whats the point of taking care of your tamas if you can just take her hard work

i think a guide should close this topic. It is not fair to copy someones topic without permisson. This IS illigal i have lerned this in school. What you could have done was make a topic BASSED on GK1's. But please use your own user names and passwords :mimitchi: .

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