Friend Problem


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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2007
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Portland, Oregon
So I have this friend, I will refer to him as X. X is awesome; he's responsible for me finding new friends this year. But this week has been weird. He's been ditching the first two periods at school and leaving before third period, which is the class we have together. He hasn't said anything to me in the mornings before school, but he hasn't been staying away from me either. He stands in our circle, sometimes right next to me, but never says "Hi, Dee Dee" or anything like that. I'm afraid he's avoiding me, but I'm not sure why since we haven't had any conflict. What should I do about it?

Well for one it's a good one no conflicts have happened. Sounds like stuff on his end might be what's causing his latest behaviour change. If you can take a moment aside with him be it before school, during break, after school, heck even on the phone at the very least privately. Let him know how much you've appreciated his friendship and let him know your concerns and observations in a calm, collected and kind manner. Don't point fingers accusing him of avoiding you, just mention it's come to your attention and you're concerned about him, and if there's anything wrong, you're there for him. Make sure the last things I said there you definitely say.

Whether he talks about what's on his mind or if he shrugs you off for a while longer, let him. He knows you're there for him and keep trying to get him back into interacting with you at school. If he wants to be on his own let him as well. Sometimes persistance is not the best way to go. Eventually your words will sink in and he will probably come around and talk to you about his behaviour change.


He might just need some space..I suggest talking to him privately, and letting him know that if he needs to talk or just need a friend, that you're always there for him...

It is extremely immature of him if he is purposely avoiding you.

Ask him why he is avoiding you as quick as possible. Do you know any of his friends? If so, ask them why he is 'avoiding' you.

Talk to him about what has happened recently, and tell him it was really nice of him to get you a lot of friends, and be very nice to you, except then tell him that his behavior suddenly changed, and then you were worried. If he still isn't talk to you, then talk to your parents about him. It was really immature of him if he was acting. That is what my 'friend' did to me once e.e

Maybe he fancies you or maybe something's goin' on at home. Talk to him.

Here's an update on the situation: I was late for school yesterday and missed my bus, so my stepdad had to drive me. I saw him walking off campus from outside my car window, and he saw me and smiled a bit. I'm not sure if that's a mean smile or a friendly smile. But it upsets me because I missed my chance to really talk to him. Does anyone have any idea what this all means?

Maybe there is something stressful going on in his life,family problems,lovelife problems,schoolwork problems.

I'm sure he isn't ditching you for no reason..

If you find a chance, try asking him, but if he doesn't want to talk about it, just leave him be,hopefully he will sort himself out. :wacko:

If he changes the subject when you ask him, something must be up.

Hope you get this sorted. :furawatchi:

Here's an update on the situation: I was late for school yesterday and missed my bus, so my stepdad had to drive me. I saw him walking off campus from outside my car window, and he saw me and smiled a bit. I'm not sure if that's a mean smile or a friendly smile. But it upsets me because I missed my chance to really talk to him. Does anyone have any idea what this all means?
I'll stick with my previous advice/suggestions earlier in this topic and use that as my answer.

one of my friends did this to me once. i asked him why, and he said he liked me. but i dont think that is the case. (who knows. i am usually wrong, so it may just be that.) try talking to him like i did. just don't get too nosy. if he doesn't want to talk about it, let it be that way.


friends do that sometimes its just nateral

i agrree with what evry one else said

but maybe he does fancy you ...

never no

You should probably talk to him. It might not be you that's the problem. Though friends do feel like that don't wanna be near anyone for a while it can feel like they don't like you. When a friend of mine got sick me and my other friends had loads of fights and it was all because we were worrid sick. What she had can kill and we were only 8.

If it isn't you that's the problem then maybe it's someone that's in the same classes as you. He could be getting bullied. Just try talking to him.

Another reason why he could be ditching is some people go through that kind of situation where they miss a lot of school.

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