Friend Problems


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Well-known member
Mar 18, 2007
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Well I have a friend who doesn't with me! Look, say that my friend is A.

One day me and A went on a special trip, she went with someone (Same age, same grade, different class), and ignored me like I was invisible!. Also when with other friends she treats me like a piece of dirt. I don't understand why she's doing this to me as we've been very good friends since grade 1! What should I do and why is she doing this?



You've been friends since grade 1? Wow this kind of reminds me of a situation I was in. Anyways, she's probably treating you like this because you two are growing apart. Maybe A feels she has more in common with the other person she was with on the trip. You probably may not know your growing apart, and she probably doesn't want to tell you. Try to hang out with some other people for awhile and maybe you don't have to be best friends with A, but you can still be friends. Though if she treats you like dirt, I think you should talk with her about it, but maturely, so she doesn't take you the wrong way.

Right now I feel the same way you do. Three of my friends (A,B,C) have been acting like that to me, also. I feel your pain. Maybe the best way to deal with this is talk to them about your feelings and if they don't care you can just ignore the situation and find a better friend. Who wants a bad buddy anyway? I might do the same thing.

BTW- Luv ur avvie!! Bunnies r awesome!

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Thanks, maybe I'll try it out on Monday!



I was in the same situation in the beggining of school. Tell her your feelings. She's problably just trying to act popular at school.


that happend to me when we turned 10 i think it was my friend T started acting wierd and let me tell you T has changed he used to be a good smart kid, but now he is a bad smart swearing immiture boy, whenever he was with his other friends he was acting the same way as A, it turned out he liked me as he always had but he was trying to be cool.

My advice is just hang around with other friends play and enjoy yourself, still be friends with A but sometimes you need a break and need to hang out with other people. Dont worry tho if you guys are strong friends have a talk to A and say that s/he has been treating you badly and that you want to work it out, but if she keeps on being mean then she isnt worth being your friend.

hope i helped

The same thing is happening to me RIGHT now. My friend always insults my and calls ME mean because I try to defead myself! And like a month ago she hacked my account my account on a differnt website and made my avi naked and took all my stuff! I really wish sometimes she would stop it, sometimes I think she might even be stealing my friends

:ph34r: Im really sad because I cant stand up to her, :p and now shes even passing notes to my other friends and talking about really sad and dont know what to do


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I have friends like that. I call them my 'filler friends'. They are friends I have just for the sake of calling someone 'friend', even though I dont really mean it. This girl Natasha, she treats me like dirt, and I just ignore her. But anyway, talk to them about it, and if they continue to treat you that way, they arent really friends.

Thanks everyone! I've got another friend now! Right now I don't play with her at all.

Sadly I didn't actully tlk to her about the problem, as I'm not... the sort of talking person... but at least I've got another friend now!



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You='re growing apart. I suggest you talk to her. But if she doesn't wish to be your friend anymore, I suggest you get some new friends.



If this girl is treating you like dirt, she isn't worth your time. I think the reason she's doing this is because she wants more friends and likes the feeling of being around these girls, but doesn't know how to tell you without being rude. Next time she says something mean to you, just ignore her or walk away. Also, if things get too bad, talk to a teacher or parent.


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