Friend problems...


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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2009
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So I only have one friend, Lily, at school. We used to hang out ALL the time, then she moved on. She's hanging out with a girl that's mean to me and a girl I used to play with. Our school is only small, 70-something students, and everyone knows what I'm like, and they have their own friends so I'm stuck alone every lunchtime and recess. It's my last year and I want to enjoy it as much as possible!

I sometimes hang out with the boys but most of the time, they're doing their own thing. I bring my writing book & sometimes my iPod but when I don't bring my iPod (I don't want to lose it, or break it or anything) and I can't think of anything to write - I'm bored for about half an hour.

What should I do?

Talk to her!

Or talk to someone.

I used to have this problem - until I involved myself with other people. Sometimes, you just need a break from someone. Make new friends, and even try and get more people to hang out with you. That way, you're not alone, you're getting closer to more people each day, and you won't always be suffocated by one or two people/person.

Hope I helped. :]

Oh god, i know EXACTLY what you mean. i've had a LOT of friend drama throughout my years of school, and even now. i have a friend who just this year started hanging out with the mean girls, who she even made fun of constantly before. And stuff like this has happened to me probably at least once every year.

The best thing would be to stay out of the drama, and just take a break from that friend. Talk to new people and you could make new friends. A real friend doesn't abandon a friend, so just move on. Judging by the fact that you still have recess i'm guessing you're in elementary/middle school so trust me: your friends will change year by year until finally you find who your real friends, your friends for life, are.

Thanks Paisly.

At my school recess and lunch we eat and play. Thats it.

I'm in Year 6 (high school next year( :( .

Just talk to people. Forget about the girls who stabbed you in the back and make new friends. It's not that hard. Just sit at a few new tables at lunch and join in with the conversation. If you feel like you're being left out or like the situation is awkward, move to another new table.

I had the same Problem when I was in Year 5. But by Year 6 I had involved myself with more people. I still had my Bestest Freind but It was only me and her. We didn't have any other freinds. We only had 40 odd people but there was still alot of people to be freinds with. I just talked to people..and since I'm a chatty kind of person that seemed to work. Now I'm in Year 7 and I have lots of freinds.

So my advice is talk to her or other people. You never know who else needs a freind :)

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