~Friends Forever~


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May 22, 2006
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(Based on a true story, might not be all true but some is)

Roxy the Mimitchi walked with her best friend, Candy the Memetchi. *mimitchi* :) They talk about general things. "Roxy," Candy said, changing the subject from school to this, "Will we always be friends?" Roxy looked a Candy and nodded. "We'll be with each other forever," She said. "Even if that means being seperated or risking our life for each other." Candy said, finishing Roxy's sentence. Then they changed the subject, and talked some more while walking. Then they saw a <_< Furwatchi named Amy. She was new. "Hi Amy!" Candy waved to Amy. "Where you going?" She asked. "We don't know, let's go to Tamatchi Park!" "Yeah!" Both the Mimitchi and Fuwatchi said. Then they walked and sat on a bench. The two had a good friend-ship for Amy. "Friends forever?" Amy asked. "Pinky promise." Candy and Roxy said. Whatever trouble one of them got into, they would help each other out. In anything at all. They would risk their lives for each other.


But one day Roxy had to move to the tamaside on the other side of town.......

One day, it seemed like Candy and Amy was each others friends, but not Roxy's. So the Memetchi and Furwatchi went near a river, and talked. They went all the way near Roxy's house just to be mean to her. Roxy was in a bush watching so her mother could say she wasn't home. Suddenly Amy needed to go to the restroom, so Candy was walking and waiting on the edge of the river. No one was outside except them, and that was good because of the peace and quiet so they went at that time. SPLASH! Candy fell into the river. "Amy!" She cried, and held onto a branch. Roxy knew what she had to do, even though they were mean to her. She ran out of the blue and helped the dangling Memetchi, and ran to her house without a word spoken to Candy. Then Amy came out and asked why she was all wet. "You see, Amy..."

She explained everything. When she was done, Candy and Amy pushed Roxy into the river. "HELP ME!!!" Roxy screamed. "No! That's what you get for being mean!!" Candy scoffed and her and Amy ran.....

Amy and Candy ran away, leaving Roxy in the river. "HELP!" she cried, but no one came. She soon became unconsious.

When she was consious, Roxy opened her eyes. She was in a room. A room that was not hers, or anyones she knew. Staring down at her, was a big Nazotchi. *nazotchi* She stared back. The Nazotchi had saved her. She coughed some water, but a "Thank you." drifted into the air that was soft. The Nazotchi said...

"What happened?" Roxy explained the situation

to the nazotchi. When she had finished, the nazotchi

nodded understandingly. "Wait here," she said. The nazotchi wouldn't come back for ages, the nazotchi now knew exactly what she had to do. She had to get Candy and Roxy back as best friends.

The Nazotchi headed for Candy's house. But it wouldn't be so easy, if there were other Tamas around distracting Candy, it would just not work right. So what they had to do-- The Nazotchi had to make her come to a quiet place. So the plan was thought up.

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"I'm Mr...Kumio... Yes. Mr. Kumio. I'm an art teacher at Candy's School. May I speak with her?"

"Sure you can... But, She's online right now, with her friend. I'll call her down, we can all talk..."

"Oh, no... I'll go..." 'Mr.Kumio' the nazotchi headed up to her room. When he got there, he saw Candy write on the Tama-Messager:

"OMG, srry. I got a visitor. G2G... lol, Ill b w/ u @ 9. "

She hit enter and closed the window.

"Who are YOU?" She asked.

"Dosn't matter. Do you know, you have a secret admirer?"

"Is it you?"

"No... Meet Them in the park at 10:00 tommorow morning... Bring a friend."

Little did Candy know who that "secret admirer" would be.

Anyway, Candy immediately got back on Tama-Messager and wrote to Amy something.

When the Nazotchi got home she found Roxy crying in her room. "I didn't do anything" she sobbed. "All I did was save Candy. But when I explained it all they thought I was being mean. I can't believe this happened!!"

The Nazotchi explained, "Well, your friends are more in touch because you go to a different school and live all the way across town. But they just broke their promise. I was actually listening in on your chats together, and you should go on Tama-Messager. Don't annoy them, just say what you said right now, and tell Candy that you wanted to save her. You promised you'd be nice to each other forever, so you were nice to Candy."

"Oh, you were saving me? I never thought about it that way." said Candy sadly.

Then, Roxy sent a bang through the computers. Candy was liking her again!! They started abandonning Amy because she had broken their friendship! But they still talked to her a little - about cool clothes and boys! :(

Then one day both Roxy and Candy found boyfriends...

But their boyfriend was the same one and he was a *drumroll* Kuchipatchi, and Roxy and Candy started to argue and split up. But when they found out that there was no reason to argue they said sorry to each other and dumped their ex-boyfriend, who ran after a group of pretty Furawatchis, one of them who laughed at him, and pushed him into the same river Amy and Candy pushed Roxy into.

The next day their was another new girl at school. Her name was Eivta, and she was a Mimitchi. She smiled at Candy when she went past, and Candy smiled back. Later that day, at playtime, Candy had nobody to play with, so Eivta went to Candy and said "Would you like to play a game with me? We can play what you like" Candy said "Yes" and the two of them had a good time playing. Candy told Roxy about the new girl, Eivta and said how much fun she is. She typed "We played this cool game!" Roxy typed back "Well, she sounds really nice! I'd love to meet her!" "You would? Remember when we were little kids, and when we went to Preschool we used to play Mums and Dads? We never finished that last game. Ever..."

"Yeah, we never finished it because I had to move away for a bit, remember? Now I'm back." typed Roxy.

Candy and Roxy thought they would never be seperated...

Evita came to vicit Candy. She silently walked into Candy's room. "Hi" she whispered. "Hi Evita said Candy!! Do you want to talk to my friend Roxy, she's real nice!" Evita said Ok and sat down to type. The conversation looked like this:

Evita: Hi Roxy, I'm Evita, Candy's friend.

Roxy: Hiya! So u met Candy @ Skool cos she wasn't w/ nobody?

Evita: I don't speak Chat speak..

Roxy: Loser...

Candy looked over to the screen. That's awful mean. c'mon lets got to the park. Candy turned off the computer cutting Roxy off.

Evita said "OK".

Roxy flew into a fit of rage and smashed the computer and mirror and trashed her room! She then laid on her bed and sobbed. Her mother came up and asked:

Roxy's Mom said

"whats wrong? And what HAVE you done with your room??!!"

Roxy:"Candy is being mean to me!! She cut me off! And she went, off, with that loser Evita!"

Mom:"Roxy! I have said this a lot of times to you! Don't use that word! You'll just lose friends! Anyways, what happened, exactly?"

Roxy:"Well, apperently, Evita came to vixit Candy, and she asked Evita if she wanted to chat with me. Evita typed Hi , I'm Evita, Candy's friend! Then, I typed, Hi! So u met Candy @ skool coz she wasn't w/ nobody? And she typed bsck, I don't know chat speak. And I typed back Loser...... I didn't mean it, I was kidding. I was next gonna type Haha, well, I'm joking about that, I'll speak normally, like you'd in real life, and then later teach you how toChat Speak, ok? But, before I could, Candy took it the wrong way! And she cut me off!"

Mom:"Well, maybe if you hadn't said "Loser" then, you could have still been talking to Candy, and Evita, and you'd still have all of your things!"

Then, Roxy said........

Your turn!

"Sorry mum..."

Next day Roxy and Candy chatted again (on Roxy's mum's laptop)...

Roxy: I'm sorry Candy, I was supposed to say I was kidding yesterday to Eivta

Candy: I'll tell her that.... she'll understand!

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The next day Candy explaied to Evita what Roxy had meant. Evita understood perfectly. Later that day, Evita went to Candy's house, and found her chatting with Roxy again.

Candy: Evita! Hi! Roxy's online, you wanna try again?

Evita: Sure!

Evita plopped down on the computer chair and typed

Hi Roxy! Its me again, Evita.

Roxy: Oh hi Evita! I'm soooo sorry about yesterday and calling you a Loser. I was gonna type I'm kidding and then later teach you Chat Speak, but Candy and you misunderstood, and so Candy cut me off!

Evita: OK, OK, calm down! Its alright! But, can you teach me Chat Speak now?

Roxy: Yeah, sure! No biggi- I mean no big deal....

Evita: Oh, I know that biggie means big deal!

Roxy: Oh, OK!

So Roxy and Evita chatted until it was evening. Bye the time it was time ti go eat dinner, Evita was well educated in the subject of Chat Speak. She new now that @ meant at, and w/ meant with. And coz meant because and skol or skool meant school. Evita was typing and chatting using Chat Speak like a pro! And all thanks to Roxy. When it was dinner time, Roxy said

Roxy: O, Ev, g2g, din time.... By!

Evita: Y do u have to g0?

Roxy: Lol, nice style!

Evita: Thank$!

Candy: Evita? Do you mind if I say something to Roxy?

Evita: No, no! You go right ahead!

Candy: Thanks. -typing- Roxy, thanku $ooooo much f0r helping 0ut Ev! U'r the be$t!

Roxy: YW! By! Talk 2u l8er!

Candy: By!

And so Roxy logged off.

Evita: I like Roxy! Shes nice!

Candy: I know! Wanna stay over for dinner?

Evita: Sure! I'll just let my mum know!

And then, suddenly Roxy was back online

typing like mad saying:

Roxy: CANDY!!!! HELP!!!!!! MY HOUSE IS ON FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP US!!!!!!!!!!! -scream-

And then, just as suddenly, Roxy was offline!

Candy: OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dun dun dun..............


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