friends list- pics are all nazotchi!?


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Apr 25, 2006
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My v2 mametchi and my v3 mizutamatchi connected but when i go to their firends list they both show up with a pic of nazotchi! why? ive never had a nazotchi. it says the correct names but the wrong pic.

lol I've already said this loads of times on other topics, but it doesnt matter :)

the reason why it always shows Nazotchi on the friends list is because the V3 has more characters than V2.

Same with V1 and the V2.

It´s because V3 has more ´developed´characters that don´t exist in V2 or V1. That´s why it comes that Nazotchi character in the older versions of tamagotchi (V1 or V2) because it does not recognize the character from V3. Remember, the same thing can happen with V1 and V2. (Like V2 has more characters than V1)


ok, some of the version 2 carecters r not on version 3. some of the version 3 carecters r not on version 2 so it shows a picture of nazotchi. same with me. not many kids at my school have a version 3. most of them have a version 2. so, i see a picture of nazotchi. so do the ppl i connect with. (well, sometimes because sometimes i see that carecter that they have because u can get that carecter on version 1, 2, or 3.)

-li'l tama lover#1!!!-

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