Funny Moments at School


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A few days ago my science teacher let us listen to our Ipods and I guess mine was too loud cause some guy said "Stop listening to Evanescence"! I said no Evanescence is beast. Then he said "Do you like Amy Lee"? I said "Yeah she's hot"! And then all the guys were saying how hot she was. It was pretty funny xD

This was at the bus stop so I guess it still counts. I walked out of my house and tripped on a power cord. Then I fell off the porch into a bush xD Very funny.

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Lol, today was hilarious.

We were practising for our school assembly [our class is hosting it] and Im gonna talk about this weird historical guy. So the guy who's introducing me had to practise saying my last name. He couldn't say it [some of you knowmy last name, so you'd know how hard it is to pronounce] and then the whole class like started trying to say it. 'Twas hilarious.

And my friend told me I was gonna die if I eated another crayon. I got scared and didn't!

Alot of other awesome stuff happened, but you know, I cant remember.

Edit;; Wrote ''we'' as ''wee''.

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Yesterday, I was so close to getting a new instrument... xDD

To practice fingerings [On Tuba... You sick people. D; ] on.

And at lunch today, Me and Taylor got into a arguement over which isntrument sounds better. Mr.Graham said Tuba sounded good, and Mr.Scaturo said Clarinet sounded good, but Tuba was cooler. xD So 1/1.

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Today, during lunch, we had some sort of rebellion. We all really hate the lunch monitor, so all of us, at the same time, stood up and started screaming, whistling, and clapping. It was so loud, you couldn't even hear the bullhorn they used to try and calm us down. Then, it ended when the police came in and we were threatened with tasers. We all scattered. But it was really fun while it lasted. I wonder what the teachers plan to do about this.

Today, I spent all morning at the Memorial. And so did my friend. By the time we got back to school, we had only two lessons until the end of the school day. So we went into the Girls bathrooms and spent around an hour sitting there talking about everything there is to be talked about and laughing hysterically at everything there is to be laughed about. Whether it was funny or not. And then I ate a paper towel for a dare. [For those of you interested, it tasted like cardboard, only there was less of it. I would know.] If only the principal hadn't walked in, we would have had a relatively easy time. But she did, and my friend did the smart thing and ran into a bathroom stall to hide. I had a severe blonde moment and hid under the sinks. Where I was found immediately, and sent back to class. xD

Travis was talking to Andrew by my desk, and I sat down in my chair not realising that Travis' foot was underneath it, so he screamed and started hopping on one leg around the room yelling "ALLIE'S A MEANIE!" xD

I was walking around the schoolyard at recess singing the chorus to Kill All Your Friends, and I got awkward looks from everyone. :D

I had to do my English presentation for my book report. I had to find some songs that related to the book I read and burn them onto a CD and present the songs and how they connect to the book. I had 13 songs on the CD, and it took me 25 minutes to present all of them. And I only played the first 15-ish seconds of each song.

Today, during lunch, we had some sort of rebellion. We all really hate the lunch monitor, so all of us, at the same time, stood up and started screaming, whistling, and clapping. It was so loud, you couldn't even hear the bullhorn they used to try and calm us down. Then, it ended when the police came in and we were threatened with tasers. We all scattered. But it was really fun while it lasted. I wonder what the teachers plan to do about this.

We would do that, only, we're in enough trouble just by having other grades sit with us. xD

And most people are to nice too do it. D:<

P.E.: I wasn't the first one to get out in jump roping! Yay!

We had to do evil Double Dutch. 'Twas hard D;

Math: I was playing with a toy and the teacher got mad. I turned red in the face xD

Lunch: I tried stealing a cookie from E****. Epic fail xD

Today was Backwards Lunch Day! Yippie! (Where you eat dessert first)

Science: We were learning how to read a cooridinte grid. We already knew how to. No, we didn't have a sub. ._.

Social Studies: I forgoted. Dx

Reader's Theatre was hilarious today.

I ended up with chalk covering my shoes. Wyatt had chalk on his back. Cully had chalk on his butt. xD

When everyone was coming back to the class from their groups, Jacob and Wyatt decided to pretend to hump in front of the door. I laughed so hard I cried.

Cully had a spazz attack and smacked Austin in the face with his script.

Wyatt turned his script into gangster talk. He said to me "OH YEAH? YOU WANT ME TO DO THIS F-KIN CRAZY SH-T! WHY DON'T YOU SCME OVER TO MY F-KIN HOUSE AND DO IT FOR ME?!" xD

Me and Sam were talking about Mennonnite people riding a public transit bus. True story.

There was a picture of dolphins in our science textbook, but the picture was upside down. ;.;

A lot of crap happened today.

Emmy kissed me on the cheek, and Kyle told us we were totally hawt together, and it was funny XD

My other friend was attacked by chairs. Being the incredible friend I am, I stood by and took pictures instead of helping him. XD

I wore my gigantic red sunglasses, and everyone passed them around.

My friend told me she was pregnant(jokingly, of course) and I was like, "Can I have it? My mom throws mine away." It was so funny XD

XD Feebee.

Today, we had Science. But of course I totally forgot and walked through snow and wind to some classroom far, far away at the end of the school to English. Even though all my friends turned the other way, I told them that they were moobs [as a joke - I love moobs really XD] and continued. And then I suddenly remembered I was at the completely wrong education destination and ran back at full speed to get to the right place, burst in the door and fell over a chair. And then I started laughing in the dead silence that followed, soon joined by the rest of the class as the teacher had to stop the lesson to help me up. XD was pajama day (I think...?) and I felt very alone cuz I was like the only one who remembered XD

During Gym, Josh was like, "Ruby! You're goalie!" we're playing hockey. And I was like, "You sure 'bout that?" I went over and then, since EVERYONE except Josh knows that I can't play sports for my life, started to kick the ball at me so hard it wud bounce back at them so I screamed and let go of the stick and stood there with my hands over my eyes, screaming the whole time. Meanwhile, Mr. Velez was screaming at me, "RUBY!!! HIT THE BALL!!! PICK UP THE STICK!!! DO SOMETHING!!!" SO I shouted back, "SHUT UP!!! I'M DYING OVER HERE AND ALL YOU CARE ABOUT IS THE GAME???" And then Josh was like, "YOU RETARD!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!" I was like, "GETTING KILLED!!!" Then Conner was like, "What's ur problem?" And I was like, "Where the hell have you BEEN the past 7 1/2 years? Haven't you ever noticed that I'm afraid of basically anything that moves?" Eventually it was over and then I was not goalie the rest of the game. I know...I'm on drugs...

DUring Social Studies, we had a teast I didn't know about so me and Nick were shouting, "WE ARE FAILING, WE WE ARE FAILING!!!" It was fun and I kept laughing and then Zach screamed, "I GOT DIS!!!" Like George Lopez and we're all like, "Amazing!" And then Jeff was like, "We're taking a test?" And I started laughing and ppl kept staring at me and I was like, "I'm on drugs, Ignore me if you can."

It was fun...

Me and Simone told our friend Chris that 21-21=21, and he believed us. xDD

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In math, I was such a fail.

Teacher: Phoebe. How do you find the answer to this problem?

Me: I dunno, you're covering the answer.

-class snickers-

Teacher: Alright. How do you find the answer without using the answer key?

Me: You add the number to the number then do other math.

Teacher: Is anybody willing to give me a correct answer?

Me: OH. ME. ME.

Teacher: -sigh-

Then Josh said something about me being a dumb blonde, and I threatened to bite him. And he threw his pencil at me. And I bit him.

I told Taylor that if she said watermelon 10 times fast it would sound like gullible. She believed me.

We had a school supplies fight in art =D

A guy dressed as Samuel de Champlain came to our school to tell us about New France, etc...He had a cool accent.

I mucked up assembly today >.<

I was speaking, and the microphone was on the stand. I kept pushing the stand up cuz of my super tallness, but it reached it's limit and snapped off. And cuz this was one of those stupid ''junior school'' microphones that don't come off the stand, the whole mic broke. So all the people that spoke after me had to yell their items including me.

Yeah, people laughed and people cried.

Oh, and this little kid with some sort of disablilty accidentally ran up on the stange and was like ''I NEED TO SPEAK! GIVE ME THE MIC!!''. And then he attacked Jen. He bit her, scratched her and was like, on top of her. It wasn't a very nice thing, yet I was cracking up laughing and was surprised I didn't fall on the floor.

once a troublemaking guy in my glass made a paper airoplane and hit the teacher in the back of the head

I managed to scare a bunch of Year Sevens yesterday. A bunch of screaming little girls running everywhere is funny. What scared them? I'll start from the beginning.

Matt: Hey, babe. [it's like an inside-joke thing]

Me: Heyy, Matt.

Matt: I've come to speak to you because I need to get away from it all.

Me: Get away from what?

Matt: The screaming girls. They're everywhere, calling my name.

Me: Yeah, right. XD

Matt: It's true. You'd chase me, if only you took off those sunglasses.

Me: No, Matt, I really wouldn't.

Matt: -steals sunglasses off me and runs-

Me: -laughing and running after him- GIVE THEM BACK, LOSER! XD

Matt: See! Girls DO chase me everywhere!

Then I ran through the Year Seven kids to retrieve my shades before he broke them or hid them or whatever. And they ran screaming.


Some random guy slapped my butt and said Hey Baby. But he disapeared so I didn't have a chance to see who it was...

In art, clumsy me spilled all the expensive red-violet paint and so we put a random china dish on top of it so the teacher wouldn't see... then she found the spilled paint and never found out it was me!

Jon sexually assaulted me today.

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