Funny Moments at School


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Yesterday Chris got his pencil stuck in the electric pencil sharpener.

The sharpener kept going till it broke and apparently it costs $300 to replace it.

^ Wow.

This guy in my class said he was gonna give me a "whippin" with the math teacher's yard stick!

*P.S What makes this so funny, is the one that said this is the one I like.

Well I've got a lot. I'll just post one.

Well, a while ago in History I had to sit near a boy who was really annoying but thankfully he hadn't annoyed me much that day. It was a test, so we were all meant to be really quiet. Then I the conversation went a bit like...

Me (loudly): Allan

Them: What?

Me: I hate you.

It just made every one crack up for some reason.

Jonathon hit me in the head repeatedly with a giant bamboo stick. So I chased him around the art classroom and spilled this wheat paste stuff in the process. Now I have In School Supspension for two days. xP

Today the techer read us a story.

The two main characters were called Jen and Andy.

Jen is one of my best friends.

Andy Clemmensen is a member of short stack that Jen loves ALOT.

'Nuff said.

Today, my teacher stated clearly "NO SINGERS IN ART."

So that meant -no Bradie portrait-.

I wrote the letters from Bradie's name all over my fingies so I went around saying

"Guess who rocks? He's on my fingers!"

As my 500th post, I dedicate this to Ksenia, Mikey and Bradie.

Today, there was a silent classroom.

Jen and me were listening to Jen's iPod.

It was on shuffle.

After a particular song, Jen didn't notice it was quiet...

And yelled out ''WHAT'S NEXT?!''

We both got weird looks...

And then we just plainly had laugh attacks for the stupidest of reasons, but really, that happens every single day. I wrote spiderman in my wordearch 8D

[SIZE=7pt]A guy in my class was running down stair the he rolls off over and over[/SIZE]

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In English, we had to rewrite the story "Adam and the Road" and modernize it. Part of the story is about how Adam waits for his dad to come back. My best friend and I made this one part and were like "Adam! Adam! I am your father!"

Then our friend comes up to us (who was originally supposed to be my partner) and reads our story and stuff. He said "He saw a mirage after he got out of the shower?"

My friend and I: "It's a pool, not a shower."

Him: "Was it really that hot?"

Friend: "Yes."

Him: "The water bubbling and, like, this much left?" -gestures small amount with hand-

Me: "Yeah."

Him: "Like, a quarter of his head is in the water. You can't even drown yourself."

Me: "Sure you can. Stick your face in the water. ;D"

Haha. You had to be there. But he made a good point though...xD

We were making these 'coupons' for mothers day so I told my friend "A free chair" because I was looking at a poster of an acient egyptian chair. So she said "No, I'm writing a free kiss." And then she wrote "A free chair" And said "Look what you made me do!"

In year 4 Liam drew on Niyazul's face with blue hilighter.

He drew a moustache, and Mrs Gurney was like "WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY?"

And Niyazul says "Moustachio!".

^^ That made me lol. :)

Today all my friendlings were either at stage challenge or sick. I spent the day with Hannah. We looked like loners. We saw Brodie and Shea so we went up to them and were like "Hello our friends, yes, friends, plural. Theres two of them. We have friends" And got strange looks from everyone around us.

We got to go out and stand in a busy intersection with a sign that said "Toot please" so we could measure sound. It was rather fun.

We played Boggle and I found the word 'Pornstar' I was proud.


Almost didn't run, but was cajoled and ran.

And came 4th out of 30 boys and girls.

Tony [sCHOOL CHAMP] said he got 4 stitches.

And I didn't get ANY. yay, lol!

I actually beat a whole heap of boys.

And as soon as I crossed the finish line I collapsed and threw my shirt over my head.

Actually, I had a t-shirt, and a singlet underneath, so no worries. XD

In P.E we went into the changing room and I said rather loudly "Come on guys. Lets get half naked" Because no one was getting changed. As I said it I whipped my blouse off and forgot I had forgotten to wear a singlet. ["Oh thats a pretty bra" Says Shea]

i pwned this kid i hate in advisory. i was playing with this old video editor machine thing, and he stepped in front of me so i couldn't touch it, and he was playing with it. i got angry and i pushed him so hard he fell over and crashed into the desks. he told on me but nobody believed that i did it. X3

I jumped on a table, slid across and fell off the other side, taking 2 chairs with me and hit another desk. Everyone stood up to see and as I got back up I tripped over the chair and face-planted my bag.

We had an awful sub today! D:<


Lee tried to do the desk.

Min Joo kicked Lee's balls.

Hannah said 'abuse' instead of 'obtuse' so I said 'No, OBESE is funnier!'


Annie bought me a hot chocolate and I kissed it all over.

[Guess who it was named after, XD]

After Lunch:

Mr C made us draw a person upside down... o_O

Today everyone were being hyperspazzes.

Tamika was chasing us with a bug.

It was scary.

Then during class, we had a pop quiz and Jen won. She felt very special. A little too special, lol. We had to answer what year Vegemite was born in. Jen got it right. And a board game where you construct a big machine. She got it right. She's a clever kid.

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