Funny Moments at School


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Mr. Wilson tried to say 'Tuba and flutes' but instead ended up saying 'Tubba and fruits'. Twas' very laughable.

Teuwnacorn! XD Sorry, it's a personal joke.

Mrs. Leak keeps calling Ellexa, Alexia. It gets annoying after awhile.

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Jess gave us cupcakes and they tasted like dirt.

Guess what I said? "Jess's cupcakes are dirt. And cheap. They're tiny."

In PE we saw some random run through the door and up into the fitness room. Taylor thought we were being robbed or something so her and Emily run up. They start bashing things around and making noises as if they are beating someone up. It was so funny. They came down and Taylor said "Don't worry. We got rid of that 60 year old pedophile. You are safe again"

Today in Typing class, I just finished the test, my teacher comes up and was like "Wow. 63wpm. Thats a new record ever!" so then I'm jumping up and down all inyerface, only to find out my friend just bet the new record by 2 wpm. xDD

And my friend was eating my crispers at lunch, and David rubbed mushy rotten grapes in my face ._. David's such a.... *insert random mean word here*

And then me and lex were fooling around in tech again.

I kicked Courtney in the shin today after she scratched me with a popsicle stick.

And then I made Allyson say a REALLY BAD swear word. (Out of a book) xDD

We were watching music videos today in homeroom and some song by Colbie whatever her last name is came on and she had these really short shorts on and lived in a mobile home. And there was this guy in the video who was supposed to be dating her. So I decided it would be fun to scream out "EW WHY DOES HE EVEN LIKE HER? SHE'S TRAILER TRASH! JUST LOOK AT HER SHORTS!" I cracked up my teacher. :3

Today when my class was packing up, my backpack was heavy. I stood up to go to the bathroom and my chair fell. I looked at it and said, "Can I help you?" And everyone was laughing. My teacher told us to quiet down.

I broke 2 test tubes.

First one I was pushing back and forward on the black gas tap bench. I got bored so left it there, except I rolled it towards the edge and it fell and broke. I kicked all thr bits of glass under the equipment drawers.

Second one we got given I put water in it and we got to set food on fire and hold it under it. After we did that it was my job to get new, cold water and put it back in the test tube grips but I didn't tighten them enough and it fell onto the bench and shattered. The teacher laughed at me and put my name on the board along with "Michelle - Not allowed to touch any more test tubes"

Today I had to pick up 5 cockroaches!

Audrey and Ms Conry were making vomitting noises.

I am fearless compared to them.

In Social Studies today, a boy called Braeden was trying to teach an exchange student named Camilo how to say salmon. xD


"No, it's Sam-on, the 'l' is silent. I don't even know why it's even there!"

Then Jamie who sits behind them says "I dunno, to confuse immigrants apparently."


Yesterday in History we were talking about Native Americans. My teacher said

"Ladies, you would use grinding stones. You would need to find a rock with a little hole in it, and a nice stick. They you can grind some things up for your tribe"

I lost it.

Yesterday in History we were talking about Native Americans. My teacher said
"Ladies, you would use grinding stones. You would need to find a rock with a little hole in it, and a nice stick. They you can grind some things up for your tribe"

I lost it.
Omg, lol.

I spit pop everywhere xD

some random people started to stalk me telling me that we met in kindergarten, but we didnt xD she always wants me to come over to her house,i always say no and she freakes out. xD

Oh yeah.

Last week I was walking backwards and crashed into a table.

I had been sitting on it for 5 seconds but the someone tipped the table over to get me off.


In gym, Hayley and I really didn't want to play soccer, so we stood around the goal cones. She put a blue jersey thing on a cone and named it Jonny.

Whenever Jonny failed to stop a goal, we'd kick him ten feet back and shove our feet up his butt.

This one angsty kid on the other soccer team playing in the field next to us was yelling at this one kid that no one likes, "I'LL RAPE YOU IF YOU DO THAT AGAIN."

I started reading Rachael and Sarah some of my Sex Facts off the app on my iPod, and then tons of other people started listening.

When I got off, Chris said, "Goodbye, Encyclopedia of... stuff!"

My english teacher is french xD, so she has a thick accent. And we were talking about, I dunno, different verisons of stories,

and she was like "They come in many different virgins" but she meant versions 8D

And she has bad french-english translation. "We will move de decimal ride here to see if I am true" (to see if I am right) lol.

I was in a different class with my class, cause' we were planning an upcoming production. And we were in groups. I was in the prop group and someone asked me for an idea and I was like all "Youtube! 8D " and they were like all O_O , And then I cracked up laughing loudly xD

We were on the skytrain, getting off. It was ther last stop, so it stays there longer. Jordan forgot a bag of stuff on the skytrian, so he ran to get it. Well, he stopped at the doors, and he's like "Should I go? NO! Wait, I'm gonna go! NO!" constantly, and just stood there, cause he thought the train was gonna leave when he was on it, so then suddenyl, some guy throws he stuff out the door xD

After talking about how the media hypes everything up, Wesley goes "Iran launched a missile the other day!!"

And my algebra 2 teacher says "What if the missile was full of puppies and cotton balls?"

And then...

ME: That would still be bad because the puppies would die when they came down.

Teacher: They would land on the cotton balls.

Me: But cotton balls are small.

Him: But there would be lots of cotton balls and only a few puppies.

Me: What if the puppies landed in the ocean?

Him: Fine. A missile full of smiley faces and rainbows.

Me: And fireworks.

Him: And fireworks. How cool would that be?

When I was walking to my locker after revisit, Gannon came up and starting singing,

"Eggs 'n bacon 'n Christmas carols 'n happy songs 'n DEATH."

and just walks off.


It was raining and I had to walk home, without a hoodie or jacket. Some random guy points at me, and yells "HAHA! LOOK AT YOU!" and he said that to everyone in my situation. xD

In Family Studies, we were supposed to look through magazines to find stuff like Photoshopped models, and false advertising. Me and a few others ripped out picture of awesome or hot celebrities from old J-14 magazines. I had a bunch of Pete Wentz photos, two or three Ashton Kutcher photos, and a picture of Billie Joe Armstrong and his wife sharing this ice cream stick thingy, and Billie Joe is about to lick it. His face is all OM NOM! STICK TONGUE OUT AND LICK!"

These other girls found an advertisement for this thing that's like, a stuffed animal, but a vagina. And it comes with a guide to the different parts and such. We probably laughed for five minutes straight.

We had this Spirit Day thing where we all had to wear red and white. I completely forgot about it, but I happened to wear red jeans and my white Green Day shirt with a red and black scarf. Nav goes "HEY ALLIE! YOU DIDN'T WEAR RED! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO WEAR RED!" and everyone just followed along and started whining at me. xD

For Science, we were in the library to do research. Chantel hid behind a bookshelf and yelled Hillary's name. I think she still doesn't know who said it.

In English, we were discussing words whose meaning has changed over time, like how 'awful' used to mean impressive, but now it means horrible or bad. Will said something about how a long time ago, calling someone yellow meant you were saying they're cool. We ended up having a (sadly) hilarious fifteen minute debate on racism.

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