Here are the Easter Eggs for furby.
1. Eight burp trick
a. Feed him, (always wait for him to stop moving)
b. feed him again
c. feed him again
d. pet him on the back, after this he should do the burp trick.
2. Rooster Trick
a. Cover his eyes, than uncover them
b. cover his eyes, than uncover them
c. cover his eyes, than uncover them
d. pet him on the back, after he should crow like a rooster.
3. Name Trick
a. Tickle him
b. tickle him
c. tickle him
d. pet him on the back, after he should say his name
4. Twinkle Trick
a. Clap, wait for him to stop moving..
b. clap
c. clap
d. pet him on the back, after he should "twinkle twinkle little star."
5. Hiccup Trick
a. Rock furby from side to side slowly for no more than 2 minutes. You should hear him hiccup. it sounds like a frog almost!)
6. Sleep Trick (doesnt always work)
a. Pet furby 10-20 times on the back in a row, and he will sing a lullaby and go to sleep.
Remote control furby!
go to for more info.
Tricks furby plays on you!
1. Phone: If furby gets bored sometimes he will say "ring ring" to get your attention so you play with him.
2. Hungry: Sometimes furby will say he's hungry and ask you to feed him, but when you do he will fart then laugh.
3. Sleep: Furby will yawn a few times acting like he is about to fall asleep, but instead he will say "party!"
Enjoy the Easter Eggs!