Furry Fandom


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Well-known member
May 18, 2013
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Hey everyone! I was wondering what members of tamatalk think about the Furry Fandom. Do tou like it/hateit/don't care about it either way?

Also, incase you were wondering, the Furry Fandom is a great fandom that allows people to make new friends, share their art, or do whatever. A furry is basically a person that has a fursona, cosplays in a fursuit, or anyone that calls themselves a furry.

I guess I could consider myself a furry. I don't go around drssed in a fursuit or anything, but I have a fursona and I'm a member of a forum dedicated to that kind of stuff.

So yeah, feel free to voice your opinion on the Fandom or it's members!

Well, I'd say there are different kinds of "furries"...

  • The "normal" furries who are friendly and nice and like furry stuff (such as Tamas or Sonic or ponies) and so on.
  • The "socially maladjusted" furries who basically obsess over furry critters in the most vile ways possible.
It's the latter type that should probably seek counseling.

But the former is fine. :3

I think furries are great! I don't really have a fursona (just a tamasona) and I don't like fursuits very much much but I really like looking at other people's fursonas and furry art :)

I don't like the habits of "dirty furries" as in people who draw furry porn and rape animals (yes, just the other day I read about a furry who raped their cat...) but I don't like any type of porn/perversion at all, so yeah. But perversion can be found in any fandom, I think too many people see ALL furries as dirty but there are plenty of great clean furries with creative OCs and who are fun to talk to :D

I'm not part of the furry fandom personally, but I don't see a problem with it, so long as nobody takes it overboard (i.e. being openly lewd etc.).

I don't personally know any furries, but the majority of furries I've seen on the internet seem like nice folks. Unfortunately, I've seen a lot of people make fun of them. I may not understand why furries like what they do, but as long as they're not hurting anyone why should I or anyone else care?

However, I do hate when people assume anyone who likes to draw anthropomorphic animals is a furry. I draw them because I find them easier and more fun to draw than people. I don't think that alone makes me a furry.

I'm not part of the fandom but, like with any fandom, I'm fine with them as long as they don't annoy anyone. I don't even care if they want to do random porn stuff; if they keep it on dedicated sites/forums/groups where I won't inadvertently find it, I don't have a problem.

I'm a furry (my fursona is a tiger) and most of my OCs are feline related. I really don't like any of the inappropriate furry art and I follow a blog on Tumblr that only posts YERF or clean furry art. The clean furry art and stories are actually pretty amazing. The other side of the fandom, however, is a bit (and no offense intended) crazy. I play Neopets frequently and I enjoy yerf. That is my two cents on the topic.

I have a lot of fur friends and I have 'fursonas' (mostly characters for various games/different aspects of myself personified) but I don't really consider myself a true fur. I like anthropomorphic art and characters and have always held nature in high regard and love animals, but i wouldn't considering it a lifestyle or anything. The furry community has always been nice to me, though, and it's been one of the few groups who have been nice and connected, next to goths and geeks/nerds. Not a fan of other kinds of groups, really, they don't seem as well knit or close.

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I love the fandom, especially the artworks!

I consider myself furry, but i don't have a fursona nor do i even know what "specie" to be :p
I like the kindness of the people on the forum that im partially active on.

The best i have is an Alter ego known as Teethdude (in which only few people know is me)

I've known a few, and from seeing how they acted (very... odd) I have a small fear of them. I don't really have a major issue, just how some people act freaks me out. I was given a bunch of paintings from my friend, who was trying to get me into the Furry Fandom. I just couldn't do it, it never caught my interest.

I've known a few, and from seeing how they acted (very... odd) I have a small fear of them. I don't really have a major issue, just how some people act freaks me out. I was given a bunch of paintings from my friend, who was trying to get me into the Furry Fandom. I just couldn't do it, it never caught my interest.
With every fandom or fanbase, there are always some people who are a bit over-the-top.

Your friend doesn't seem to be though. However, there's always a lot of good in fan communities too, but i can see where you're coming from.

I don't understand all the hate against furries, all they're doing is what they love and it's not harming anyone - why the big deal?

I admire all the effort put into artwork and fursona costumes, and I've seen really sweet photos of Furries in their costumes posing with kids!

I'm also friends with some and theyre lovely people so im not sure where im going with this but i see nothing wrong with them (^:

they're pretty cool, except for the ones who draw the PORN and make horrible fur suits and unoriginal fursonas

I'm not a furry, but why the hate on them? There's nothing wrong in being a fan of humanoid-like animals, and such themed cosplays and fan arts. It gets wrong when you search Google for "furry" and in the first 20 results, a good 60-70% of them are furry-like girls half naked.

That is quite problematic, not the furry fandom itself.

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they're pretty cool, except for the ones who draw the PORN and make horrible fur suits and unoriginal fursonas
How are they unoriginal when a majority are based on real life animals? When you start getting into the hybrids, then you're going fantasy, and not everyone in the furry fandom likes fantasy or wants a fantasy creature.

Also there's sadly porn of everything. Rule 34. It's also beyond furries, but furries get the most flack for it. It's easy enough to avoid, though. And I know some of the artists, and usually they draw porn for the extra cash flow since a lot are freelance artists trying to make a living off their work. Some people will do anything just to put food on the table, and with today's economy, you kinda have to.

I'm not a furry, but why the hate on them? There's nothing wrong in being a fan of humanoid-like animals, and such themed cosplays and fan arts. It gets wrong when you search Google for "furry" and in the first 20 results, a good 60-70% of them are furry-like girls half naked.

That is quite problematic, not the furry fandom itself.
I believe there's a filter on Google images to hide adult material if that helps at all. And Fur Affinity has it on as a default.

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Its not that bad but some people just simply ruined it. Like just google furry and many images are inappropiate. And i dont mean skimpy clothes. Just you know. Im not a furry nor a hater.

One of my new real life friends is a furry, I've learned a lot about the fandom from her and I think it's actually a pretty awesome fandom. It's so creative, especially fursuits and fursonas, and it inspires a lot of artwork and fan fiction and stuff. It's definitely the most creative fandom I've seen or heard of. I have no interest in it but I'm amazed by all the great things furries create. :D

i have no problem with furries, as long as there is no actual bestiality. pornographic characters are okay imo, bc its their characters.

but im most amazed at how people can build an entire fursuit by themselves, and so well.

Most cartoon characters from a long time ago were anthro e.g. Bugs Bunny and Mickey Mouse :p

I'm thinking of making a fursona :)

Furry is something both interesting and scary to me, furry goes from ok cute to just plain freaky and inappropriate, I'm not sure about my opinion on it as I love humanised cute animals (tamagotchi) but furry seems to take it to an extreme level.

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