Gah. I'm scared.


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Well-known member
Sep 30, 2008
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Somewhere over the rainbow....
I have a weird fear, and I don't know how to get rid of it either. I am totally scared of balloons. And big eyed dolls. I really want to know if anyone experienced this.


I hope this isn't a copy.

Realize your fear. Are you scared whenever a ballon pops?

Or are you just cared of them in general?

I`m the same way. :l

I HATE the sound of popping balloons, and I always scream and run whenever their are balloons around.

I just hate them so much.

I hate the sound, and their air-filled bodies.


I hate them because they put too much static electrisity in my hair XP I HATE static!


Uhh, they won't put static in your hair as long as you don't rub them in your hair. xD

Anyway, I don't really understand what you're so scared about. Maybe that's the first step in conquering your fear - knowing exactly what your fear is. ;]

iHate balloons. The sound of them popping *shudder*

Yeah I have tons of irrational fears including:

Loud noises

Tall buildings

We have a lot of delicate stuff in our house.... I'm afraid of it breaking (I'm EXTREMELY afraid of our wall that is basically just a window breaking)

And some other stuff.

I`m the same way. :l I HATE the sound of popping balloons, and I always scream and run whenever their are balloons around.

I just hate them so much.

I hate the sound, and their air-filled bodies.

Me too!!!

The kids at my school and my cuzins always make fun of me =[

gahhh I hate balloons!!!

that is so weird.. if you mean not when they are popped, I am the same way. =P

I'm not scared when they pop, but when it's an old balloon, and it's all shriveled up and small.... that creeps me out! I get this weird feeling in my toes.

you are not alone...<3

Yay! Now I know there are other people around like me! Balloons are really cute sometimes, but I just can't stand being around them. Why? Because there's a risk that they might get popped. And I'm terrified of the sound of balloons popping. Too loud and startling. -shivers- Ugh..

^^Same, all the things you said are true. Balloons are amazing. I am deeply in love with them! But dolls are terrifying...and soft toys? They're also amazing. And I also sleep with 2 :]]]
your husband is practically a balloon. xD

and I agree with people about the dolls, especially Ragedy-Anne. *shivers* Oh Ragedy-Anne, how she was the curse to all my nightmares. :eek:

Esoecially after hearing that doll story, "Jenny... I'm walking up the stairs.... Jenny... I'm behind your door" or whatever

I know where u got that from, ur just kidding because on that jerry springer ep. that girl was terrified of ballons and another was afraid of dolls. Also.....u grinned XD

I like balloons when they're not exploding.

But when they pop, the person you hear screaming is probably me.

And dolls. . . Just no.

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