Game Toy or Otherwise?


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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2009
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There have been many comments about Tamagotchi's being games and not toys.

Or Toys and not games.

Well I think it's a toy. A toy where you have to play a 'game' to evolve it. But I also care for my tamagotchi like a real pet.

What do you think?

I'm weird, so I consider it to be an actual virtual pet ;)

But if I had to choose either game or toy, I'd choose toy... Idk why though :angry:

I think of it as a pet that you have to take care of and keep it healthy in order for it to grow.I don't realy think of it as a game because it is like raising something instead of playing something.

I'd say a bit of both, but mainly a game.

I think game because you have to care for it and not to make it unhappy/let it pass away.

But that's just my opinion. :D

Cya! :ichigotchi:

I don't classify them as games or toys. They are called virtual pets for a reason, you know. :p

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