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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2008
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I left a comment in a MCR video saying I loved the song because it made me want to cry. What happens? About 7 rabid MCR fans come attack me. Example: 'I don't cry about it and cut my wrists but do whatever the *$%% you want you emo *^' =/

What the heck ever happened to manners? Honestly. I mean, it disgusts me how people are so rude. Also, what happened to the MCR fans? I know about the whole, "ZOMFG, WE'RE NOT A CULT#@#@$' thing, but seriously, what happened? Half of the fan base has now become rabid.

BTW, I wasn't the only person who's been attacked in the comments.


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Yeah. They're probably posers. Or of the like.

There are no manners anymore, especially on Youtube. Comments get ugly on Miley Cyrus videos, let alone MCR.

There's really nothing you can do about it, except try to be civilized yourself. :]

Some people are serious assholes, YouTube has a lot of them on their websites as you can see. I once wrote in a Davedays video "I love the way you mock Miley" and then so serious a**hole sent me a message saying "HE'S NOT MOCKING MILEY YOU a**hole!!!!" right like I'm the a**, at least I don't say things like that to people.

I'm enjoying the responses here so far, thank you. :3

Mr.Brightside - They're in the ER, but for some reason the doctors think they're lying about having comments shoved up their butts.

People fight alot on Youtube. If I am watching TubaDylan's Super Mario On Tuba, somebody will say "ITS A BARITONE EVERY1!!!11", its NOT A baritone, its a Tuba, then everyone fights about that. I loved this one comment "I don't play either and can/can't tell the difference." xDDD

And they call that guy a liar?!

I also hate it when they call musicians fakers. D<

Those people who post those comments, don't have that talent of playing an instrument.

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Manners don't exist on the internet anymore.
Especially on Youtube.
Nor in real life.

People say "Move", not excuse me. D<

I only say move to my dogs XD
Otherwise I'll say 'excuse me(us)' or "pardon me".
I do the same.


Manners are good, they show people that your a good person. =]

And people will respect you for good manners.

I wouldn't advise you yelling back at them. They're just looking for attention because they apparently have nothing better to do than flame at people :)

If I were you, I'd say something along the lines of "Well, it makes ME want to cry. Did I say you? No. Did I say I was emo? No. Do you have to be emo to cry? No."

Good luck :D

I think manners don't exsist anywhere anymore, honestly.


Someone at my school told me that.

What an idiot. =/ People at my school are the worst of the idiots. No wonder we all are epic failures.

Once again, I'm still enjoying the responses. Thanks. ;3

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I don't expect for people to have manners on the internet, but I do expect for people to have enough self control to avoid verbaly attacking others. =/

Same with real life. I'm being understood, yes?

But honestly, what happened to manners? Where'd they go? How'd they die? A few years ago people seemed as if they could at least say, "Thank you." and "You're welcome."

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I think manners don't exsist anywhere anymore, honestly.

Someone at my school told me that.

What an idiot. =/ People at my school are the worst of the idiots. No wonder we all are epic failures.

Once again, I'm still enjoying the responses. Thanks. ;3
Don't worry. My school is full of idiots like that too.

Only if you wear and MCR shirt at my school, you get called a poser. :angry:

People are apparently under the assumtion that they'll gain more respect and control by acting "better" than you; not being politite.

Someone needs to tell them where manners will get them.

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Once I left a comment on a video with the song "I Kissed a Boy" by Cobra Starship, saying that this song is so awesome and I cracked a joke saying how I wanna go kiss random boys to start %&^* like in the video, but my dog didn't wanna come with me, because whenever I spoke of it, she stopped wagging her tail, and someone said "Why the ^&%* do you talk to your [female dog]? Dip*&%*." And I was like "Wow. That made no sense whatsoever." The comment got marked as spam. :angry:

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