gay marriages


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So now I'm confoozooled. x...x;
I'll ask you this, how then is it implimented if not by genetics?
I think, it's not genetics, but that people choose not to be influenced by society. To each his, or her, own.

I think, it's not genetics, but that people choose not to be influenced by society. To each his, or her, own.
Maybe there doesnt have to be a scientific reason. Maybe we could just trust that love comes from the heart. Thats all. Love is one of the truest emotions, can't we accept that if it is something so true and so sincere that it must be organic? Does it need further questioning?

Maybe if homosexuality is completely foreign to you its something that can't be explained other than with material evidence backing it up.

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I get what you're saying. Love isn't scientific. What I mean is that if someone came to me and told me homosexuality came from genetics, I wouldn't believe them. Not until I saw proof. I believe that we were on born bisexual and have been influenced by society into believing that heterosexualit is 'right' or 'better'. I have nothing against bisexuals or homosexuals. I think that they might even understand love better than heterosexuals.

Further more, wouldn't the homosexuals all die out then? If you don't have kids, you won't pass down the homosexual trait or whatever you want to call it. Then it wouldn't be an issue because there really wouldn't be such a thing- at least not ten percent of the population.
Oh dear - another one of my long posts - and I'm quoting TW-P again - but honestly, that's because TW-P makes precise points and asks pertinent questions which give everyone food for thought and add to the best part of debating these subjects :furawatchi:

I don't think it's a question of deciding and looking for proof as to whether Homosexuality is either a genetic trait or a result of society's influence.

I don't see why it might not be both :rolleyes:


Perhaps some people do have a genetic disposition to homosexuality - and it's possible through an isolated gene mutation or it could be hereditory.

Homosexuals do have children. A gay woman can give birth to a child which would of course carry her own genes as well as the fathers.

A gay man can father a child too, his child would carry his genes as well as the mothers.

We just need to remember that not all homosexuals who want children adopt them (surrogate parents or ex-wives/husbands).

Society's influence?

Well, it's possible too. Many people are influenced by their family, their peers, their interpretation of what works for them in their lives.

There are quite a few cultures across the world where homosexuality is not considered to be wrong or illegal.

I don't think anyone can prove scientifically or otherwise why some people are homosexual. Perhaps it's just that so many of us feel the need somehow to explain or prove it one way or the other, so that it is "explained" and we can tick the box and move on to the next "mystery".

There is a flip side to the whole question of Gay Marriage (in the UK at least) which is not about religious right or wrong, but (amongst other things) is about legal status, inheritance and tax which favors married couples and discriminates against unmarried couples.

If you are married, the law has more favorable options in terms of finance, tax, etc. than if you are unmarried. But if you are committed to a life partner, share a house, contents, etc. and are not married it can be financially discriminating.

So get married, right? - Not if you happen to be the same sex as your partner.

It's also contra to some laws that we should not be discriminated against on the basis of race, colour, creed or sexual orientation.

That's a very brief version of the situation that developed in the UK and why the Gay Marriage debate is not as simple as it may at first appear :huh:

Thanks for explaining- I was kinda confused on exactly your thinking but I get it now. Lol, I was like... whuh? o...O; But I understand it now. Thanks for making it clearer. ^...^

So even if they didn't have kids, it could still be an instance of genetic mutation anyway. That's understandable. Although as anyone else, I'd still need more solid proof of everything.

That's very interesting TM. Never thought about finances. I'm not exactly sure how it works in the U.S. I suppose it's be the same problem.

Question- If you do want to get married, why not just go get married in one of those other states if you are not able to in your own? Do you have to reside in the state to get those rights?

And one more I've been wondering- What's the difference between bisexual and transgendered? Tis very confoozing. x...x;

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Thanks for explaining- I was kinda confused on exactly your thinking but I get it now. Lol, I was like... whuh? o...O; But I understand it now. Thanks for making it clearer. ^...^
Yes, some do have children so there would still be genes but some other genetic diseases that many peple usualy die from [not passing the genes] before they have children actually do live to that point and etc. And for all those stated reasons, that's why I don't believe it's genetics. ;]

That's very interesting TM. Never thought about finances. I'm not exactly sure how it works in the U.S. I suppose it's be the same problem.

Question- If you do want to get married, why not just go get married in one of those other states if you are not able to in your own? Do you have to reside in the state to get those rights?

And one more I've been wondering- What's the difference between bisexual and transgendered? Tis very confoozing. x...x;
You don't have to reside in those states, but once you leave that state it's not official anymore. So you would be married in that state, but once you went back to your own state, you wouldn't be married anymore.

You don't have to reside in those states, but once you leave that state it's not official anymore. So you would be married in that state, but once you went back to your own state, you wouldn't be married anymore.
OH, okay. So either way, it wouldn't work.

If you died in another state for some reason and in your own state you were legaly married, would that affect the will and finances?

OH, okay. So either way, it wouldn't work.
If you died in another state for some reason and in your own state you were legaly married, would that affect the will and finances?
Good question..thoguh i'm not sure. Once again on gay marriages i'm not sure, i follow the bible and i am religous but its really not the gay or lesbian person fault who they are attracted to :/


of course there not wrong but the ORIGINAL GAY MARRIGES TOPIC WAS ABOUT *removed*

No public shaming. Read the forum rules please. - TigerLily013

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[SIZE=7pt]I have nothing against Gay Marriages, but I know that God does.[/SIZE]

God made Woman like Men, and Men like Women.

It's not always that way, but that's just what I think.

If you like the same gender, those are your feelings.

I can't change that, and neither can you.

So don't feel bad about it.

Just know that Girls and Girls, or Guys and Guys cant have babies, okay?

how many people think gay marriages are wrong *removed * voice ur thoughts :hitodetchi:

*Topic moved to '(Non)TamaTalk: Seriously (Non)TamaTalk'*


Edit: comment regarding abortion removed to avoid duplication of existing, active thread.

If you have comments regarding the subject of abortion please post them here:

Actually I believe gay marriages should be legal. They're only legal in my state, Massachusetts, out of the United States.

Do people hate gays because it says in the Bible that they should? (a verse in there says "Man shalt not lie with man as he lies with woman") Well screw that. People should choose on their own what gender they love. People should also deal with the fact that some people just do not like love with the opposite sex.

People who say "That's so gay" are also very insulting to me.

Actually I believe gay marriages should be legal. They're only legal in my state, Massachusetts, out of the United States.
Do people hate gays because it says in the Bible that they should? (a verse in there says "Man shalt not lie with man as he lies with woman") Well screw that. People should choose on their own what gender they love. People should also deal with the fact that some people just do not like love with the opposite sex.

People who say "That's so gay" are also very insulting to me.
It seems like a tedious detail but I wanted to remind you that the Bible does not teach to hate gays or anyone one for that matter [love your neighbor].

We don't hate on gays in any sense we just don't agree with the life style because we believe it's just not how God set it up. If you are gay or lesbian, we won't hate you or any of that. That's wrong and discusting. We just don't agree. Kind of like a man taking more than one wife- we don't believe anyone should have multiple wives/husbands either.

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Love has no gender. It's called free will. Gay marriage shouldn't be Illegal in the first place.



It should be legal. No reason it shoulden't be. If two men love eachother then it shoulden't be up to the government whether their love is permitted or not. ]: That really isn't fair for the men out there finding love.

I t dosnt matter about your interest or looks or wether you want to be gay/lesbian or not because we're all human really if gay marriage cant go on why should straight marrage go on?

Love is love.

It doesnt matter who you love.

I am a proud gay rights supporter.

And if I remember correctly, the Bible says that is is tha act of being gay, and not the actual person in the first place.

May I also point out that though the act of being gay may be a sin, it is a worse sin to hate someone because of who they are.

Thats how I was brought up.

It doesnt matter who you love.

Love is love.

Supposably god makes you who you are for a reason, right?

Everyone was sent here to be you.

God had to have made the gays gay for a reason, right?

And somehow, I dont think that reason was to make the population of homophobes thrive like weeds.

Simply? go for it.

I wont mention who I know thats gay, here or otherwise. But Im proud of them. and I love them, really.

so just, go for it. Love is love, as many have said. It dosent matter if its the same people. the end.

They are still people. Respect them for what they believe. If you say 'Oh. Eww they're gay' Then thats really sad. No one should ever be put down for their beliefs. Anti-gays sicken me. If your best friend told you s/he is gay what would you do? If you un-friend them then SHAME ON YOU.

I support gay marriage, Its about love not gender.

I don't see how a girl wanting to marry another girl or a boy wanting to marry another boy is so much different to male and female marriage!

gay marriages are O.K!

It is not wrong, you love who you love!

*EDITED: If you'd like to comment on abortion, please post in the thread listed in the first post.*


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