German, French, Irish, British?!


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[SIZE=12pt]What is ~tama_princess~?[/SIZE]

I was Born in:

Canada => Which makes me Canadian

My Parents are:

Mom: Italian

Dad: Mexican

Which Makes me:

1/2 Mexican

1/2 Italian

So I am an:

ITALXICAN < Made it up myslef LOL

~TP~ ^_^ ♪

What am I.....





And a lot more.......

I consider myself to be mostly bosnain (mostly because it has the most impact on me)

Para sa filipinos out there, wag mo tatapos yung dreams mo!
What? XD The only words I know are plant and ouch/ow. I got the filipinos and dreams part, but...?

Plant=Halaman (Ha-la-mon with a touch of an a)

Ouch=Arai (Don't know how to spell it...but A-rai)

I should start looking for online tagalog translators. XD

im 100%Ukrainian THAT I KNOW OF

Mom,brother,dad,grandparents(both sides)great grandparents(both sides) :) :D :D

My mom is Swedish, Chekoslavakian, French and Polish and she has a little Japanese in her. =D

My dad was born in England, so I have no clue what he is, I think British, Scottish, and Irish? Yeah, I think so...

Heeeey! Lol I got Jamaican blood in me uhm French x_x uhmm and American and Scottish blood that's all I know now lol. My bloods weird O..O;; lmao I'm too hyper!

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