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Mar 4, 2010
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Ok to those who dont know there was a topic with the exact title but it got locked so i deiceded to do a remake of this. All honors go to the person who made this. yaaaayy.

do you hate it when bugs get into your room? i do ALOT. If you remember having any bugs in your room, post here!

i remember there was a earwig in my room and i freaked out and stomped on it.

then its pinchers got onto my foot and i screamed even louder. there wasnt anybody home exept my upstairs neighbours who heard me and called me to see what was wrong and i said that a earwig entered my room and i stomped on it and its pinchers got onto my foot.

and there was a bee stuck in my window a few days ago, i didnt freak out though.

of coarse, a wasp got into my room and i freaked out. :furawatchi:

Definitely. x.x

Spiders are out to get me, I swear it. Whenever I see a spider, I scream and jump on a nearby object/person.

My dad leaves the back door open so that my cats can come in and out when they want, so we always get mosquitos :)


Once, there was a bee in my room and my friend started screaming and I thought to myself 'Wtf, How'd a bee get in here??' So I killed it ;) Lol.


I hate it when I think I squished a mozzie but missed!

I hate cockroaches too. They're so creepy and gross.

We don't get many spiders, but I'm ok with spiders anyway.


Last night though, there was a lacewing in my room :lol: It was really cool and pretty :furawatchi:

Definitely. x.x
Spiders are out to get me, I swear it. Whenever I see a spider, I scream and jump on a nearby object/person.

Oh, and i just saw a spider outisde my house and i squashed it. and it rained. xD i used to be terrified of spiders now i know they are complety harmless. but tranulas are the only spders that freak me out. :furawatchi:

If there was a spider in my room, I wouldn't sleep there that night unless it was taken outside. Same with other big bugs.

today when i getting changed, a ladybug fell out of my shirt!

i sprayed hairspray on it and it died.(evil i know)

i feel mean now.


Really? I never see bugs in my room. Probably because I keep my window shut.

But at summer camp, we stay in cabins, and my bunk was next to a window where the screen was torn off, and there was this dragonfly who would always hang around my bed at night. It didn't find it annoying at all, he was so pretty~

there's constantly stink bugs in our house. they're slow and stupid so they're easy to kill, but still they're gross and annoying. Once i was reaching for a book on the table but it was kinda dark. Then i feel something in my hand and i'm like "what is this...?" and i turn on the light and i'm holding a stinkbug. o_O I screamed, then killed it, then washed my hands about five times.

Spiders don't get to me that much, but usually when i first see it i scream bc it surprises me. Then i calm down and its okay, they're not that scary to me. I hate centipedes though, we occasionally see them in our basement and they creep me out. Also big ants. Not the little ones which are actually quite cute, but the big nasty black ants that are like an inch long. I found one in my room and was sooo creeped out.

I've also found other random disgusting bugs around my house. Most notably this giant centipede thing that had a green and yellow pattern in my upstairs hallway. That freaked me out so much. Two of my friends were over and there was a lot of screaming as i tried to kill it. Thank god i did kill it, i would not feel good knowing that creepy bug was still roaming around the house.

Hm..Let me see.

There are craneflies.Those freak me out.And moths O:

Once, I was on the computer at night, and a moth flew right in front of me onto the screen.It scared me D: .That happened with a cranefly, which got on my hand.

Well. My house is currently suffering from pantry-moth and cockroach infestation. That means I occasionally get both of them in my room D: Especially the moths. They're pesky little buggers D: But we're working on getting rid of them completely (Y)

I hate cockroaches and spiders with a burning passion. Once, I was lying in bed and I saw this black lump on top of my door. I screamed and my dad comes running, see the cockroach and killed it. I also slept on top of a baby cockroach once. Not pleasant.

I was little and we saw a huntsman run across the inside of our car at midnight...while we were in the car. Very scary.

I also don't like beetles. They just make me feel queasy. Ladybugs and dung beetles are ok. Not when my dad sprays dung beetle killer on the lawn, and I swear we get invaded. But I don't like most beetles.

Cockroaches? The last time we had one of those was .. January, I believe?

Ahh .. I used to be so deathly afraid of insects.

Now I've just come to deal with it.

Mm well, I close my window often and that's probably why we don't get that many of them.

I actually don't mind spiders.

They're alright, and not overly disgusting like some insects.

Bees like following me.

I must smell like honey to them. lD

Ants. Every spring. Now again. ANTSSS! OMG I remember them from last year and now they're back D: I hate ants in my room + the rest of the house...

There's got to be at least 32908432098432 flies that have dwelled in my room/house at one point. Considering I have a horrible phobia of flies and other insects, well... yeah. It's not good. I've gotten a lot better at handling and dealing with them, so that's good.

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