Getting Gotchi Gold Rank Bank


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Active member
May 5, 2010
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I got bored today and started browsing the items in the Gotchi Records store. While I was doing so, the screen froze. Annoyed, I clicked everything in the screen in an attempt to get it to work. Finally the screen unfroze. To my dismay though, I ended up buying a dream mic with my CD because I had clicked the wrong thing!

Anyway, I have a few Gotchi King statues and I was wondering if there was a way to exchange one of those statues for a Gold Ranked CD??? Sort of like returning the item to the store and getting my CD back. I would exchange the mic that I got but then I wouldn't get a Gold Ranked CD.

If that's not possible... what are the quickest ways to get CD exp? I haven't been on Tamatown for a while so I'm kinda out of the loop. I forget, does the Concert Hall give CD exp as long as you rank?

Sorry for all the stupid questions. I used to be really into Tamatown but haven't played in months because my Tamas had ran out of batteries.

edit: Also, would having a 10th Bronze CD reduce my chances of ranking?

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Sadly there's no way to return the item and get your CD back but i'll tell you some ways to get xp points. To start with, don't play the tamagotchi claw game. It doesn't get you any experience...well hardly. I recommend playing the gotchidoku game, I know you have to use your brain (ugh) but if you complete the game within the first round then it says you got the superstar rank and you get 300gp and 75 CD xp, which is really good. The drum game and endless mode on jump to the music also give you a lot of xp but it takes longer to get a good score. Also If you aren't good at gotchidoku just practice it gets easier. If you want to enter a competition to get your CD rank up, get the CD to 6th silver (6th silver is pretty much the highest yyou can get by playing games) then enter it. Getting a good place will get you to 5th silver and so on.... It helps to have some support with voting so make some friends and maybe I could vote for you. If all else fails, a dream mic is great to have anyways! :)

thank you so much for the reply!

What exactly would a good rank be? I usually only manage to get 15-20th rank "orz

15th to 20th is good to get your CD rank up. My best is 17th place and my feature CD is at 5th silver, but I've gotten 17th and 18th place using different CDs so those are at 5th silver too. So Try to focus on only one CD to get to gold, because when people see you with the same CD theyll remember you better. You'll need to get within the 100th place a few times to move from 5th to 4th gold. Oh and what's your gotchi ID? helps to have friends :)

my gotchi ID is BE6505

Yeah, I'll only focus on one CD for now. I've already bought every item from the Gotchi Records store so it's not like I need any more CDs xD

I wish that there was a way of gifting CDs "oTL I have two accounts, a main account and a side account that I barely use. My side account was the 1st gold CD ;-;

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That sucks that you can't give it to to your other account :( so keep working towards a gold cd I guess. I'll friend you when I see you next :)

my Advice to Yuo Would be Get into a high ranked persons band ... you know like Some of the popular people that always come on the top and you will get back up in ranking of your CD in no time!

I don't know any of the popular people though "oTL I don't interact much to be honest.

I signed up for the competition after getting my rank to 6th, but tamatown has been down so I wasn't able to participate

what's the maximum number of votes that you can get?

I don't know any of the popular people though "oTL I don't interact much to be honest.

I signed up for the competition after getting my rank to 6th, but tamatown has been down so I wasn't able to participate

what's the maximum number of votes that you can get?
it only shows 100 votes but i think you can get more. maybe purimatchi can add you to their band on one of their accounts theyre pretty popular

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