GG96 and TamaGirl's Tamagotchis!


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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2007
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Somewhere in the US of A!

Hi! GG96 and I have decided to start an active Tamagotchi log together. I'll be starting off with logging on my

Stained Glass V4.5! Lol, it's my favorite tama. :D

Right now I have a Tamatchi named Calem. He's just bobbing up and down on the screen, waiting for me to play with him. When he's talking, there will be a :mellow: Mametchi next to him.

;) Hi! I'm Calem. My mommy says that I am the cutest little tama ever, and I agree. Heehee, I am funny! Anyways, mommy bought me a guitar and some sunglasses in the shop today. I can't wait till I'm older to play with them! Tomorrow I'll be a teen and I wanna be a strong and handsome Ura Young Mametchi! They get all of the girls! Aww man, mommy called me for some sushi. Oh well, sushi is my favorite! Bye!

Lol, Calem is so full of himself! I think he might have ''someone'' at his preschool that he likes. I'll update later tonight, after playing with Calem.

P.S. Please no comments in our log. PMs would be great! ;)

I'm back! Calem and I had a great time playing together, but now he's calming down because "bedtime" in a half an hour. Calem is always quiet right before bed...maybe he should go to bed a bit earlier then.

:furawatchi: NO!!!!

Lol, I knew you couldn't stay mad at me forever. See, Calem only got to play one game because I was sort of busy.... reading MsKitty's log!

:D That's no fair! Hmmf...

So, 30 more minutes of my night will be filled with Calem's whining if I don't play with him... (he's already had a few time-outs today.... such a moody child). :D Anyways, I'll probably play with him in a little while. Calem is getting a tad chubby...23 pounds! Oh well, I guess I'm kind of over-reacting. I usually do that, lol. :unsure:

Ooops! Calem just made a mess. I think he does this just to spite me. *sigh*

Now I have to go clean him up, so I'll update tomorrow. Greaat Calem... thanks.

;) You're welcome. *evil grin to spite me because of only playing one game with him*

Uggh... oh well. I love him anyways.

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Sorry I took so long to reply, as I did say I would post in this log hours ago. xD

Ok, my Tamagotchi is a Version 4.5 aswell. Mine is the cheetah/leopard print design. Currently, I own a 4th generation adult girl called Emma. Right now, I don't know what species of Tama she is because Version 4.5 characters are quite new to me, but I assure you I will check the character charts soon. I just returned from a hectic TamaTown trip with her, and she fell right asleep after coming back to her screen, inside her cozy eggshell. Ok, so when Emma is talking there will be a :D icon in front of the text. But obviously, she's not going to be saying anything until tomorrow becdause she is asleep. I'm annoyed because she fell asleep with a hungry heart missing, and I'm too lazy to set the time to morning so I can feed her. Ohwellz.

She should be getting a job tomorrow so I am looking foward to it. I hope she begins her work as a...well, to be honest, I'm not really sure what kind of career I am hoping for. We'll just have to wait and see what comes our way. Also, my other log that I just created, is going to be discontinued, seeing as I am now going to be active in this joint log.

Emma got a job today!! I chose the bus driver job, seeing as it is my favorite minigame, and I can win quite easily. And I've probably played it about 30 times because she's earned just about 300 skill points in the funny area from playing her job game. I will now post her stats.

Name: Emma

Gender: F

Age: 4

Weight: 21 pounds


Funny: 405

Gorgeous: 108

Spiritual: 321

Generation: 4

Training: 9/9

Points: 44,250

Username: Happy

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I'm back with some good news! Hmmm... I'll let Calem tell you.

:furawatchi: Guess what?! I'm a Ura Young Mametchi! I was SO happy when I evovled, I actually squealed. Hey, that is the ONLY time I'll ever squeal again, considering I'm a tough guy now. All the girls are after me, but my heart is set on one girl only - Kira. Ahh... she is so unbelievebly cute, it's not even funny. No, she isn't A Ura Young Memetchi... I will never fall for one of those girls! She's a Zouritchi and I love her. I'm gonna tell her later at school.

This one girl at school will NOT leave me alone! She's a Ura Young Yattatchi and she follows me everywhere! Hehe, I don't blame her... I'm HOT :angry: ! But, she is SOO annoying. Oh well, she'll leave me alone eventually 'cuz my best friend likes her. His name is Stone and he's a Kujakutchi. Meh, he's nice enough, but he thinks he's so cool when he really isn't. We're still best friends till the end though!

I got LOADS more Humor points today from playing games with my mom so I can be a Ura Mametchi. I went to school a few times, but only to see Kira. School's boring. Ugh, mom's making me go back again. I gotta get ready, heh I didn't even do my homework yet. I'll finish it on the bus. Bye!

Lol, Calem is the little ladies man, isn't he! He's turning out to be a pretty funny guy... 65 humor points already! I have to help him with his homework really quick. I'm not letting him lose it on the bus! :unsure:

Emma is getting a little overweight, well 11 pounds isn't THAT bad, is it? I haven't let Emma talk yet, so here she is.

:furawatchi: Hey everyone! My name is Emma, and as you don't know, I'm a Shitekitchi [or something that sounds like that.] Basically, I'm a circle, and I wear glasses and I have stick arms and legs. Ok, so I'm not the most attractive Tama, I have to admit, but I am really funny! I have 405 funny points. I also have 110 gorgeous points, I don't know how I got so many, seeing as I'm kinda ugly, but whatever. I also have 321 spiritual points aswell. When I'm a little older, I'm looking foward to marrying and having a Babytchi [shiro/Tsubotchi] so that GotchiGirl can raise him/her.

Emma is conversating with the Talking Christmas Tree right now. Oh, and when she went to work today, she got paid over 6600 points for working! I also bought a plane ticket, and I'm about to take her on the trip. But before I do, I might aswell update on skill stats.

Funny: 515

Gorgeous: 128

Spiritual: 353

Heyy! Emma had a baby girl earlier today and got paid 4500p for working aswell. :blink:

I also started up my old version 1 again. I downloaded it. I have a seventh generation Mametchi named Nessy. She is 6 years old and is 45 pounds.


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