Ghost experiances


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Ooooooh this is Creeping me out!!!

My experience.....

Well it was 2 years ago and I was asleep up on my Bunk Bed and I woke up and this Lady was staning there she looked as though she had been crying aswell

I can't say wether she was a Ghost or not?

I haven't saw anyone, but I feel them there. Like, everyone's sleeping and I'm sitting at my computer and then, there's like, a hand on my shoulder...

I haven't saw anyone, but I feel them there. Like, everyone's sleeping and I'm sitting at my computer and then, there's like, a hand on my shoulder...
Oh yeah and remember that mysterious beeping noise? I've never worked out what that is...Maybe it's something ghostly though, do any of you guys hear the beeping noise like a bombs going off because pratically every house I go to I hear it

Most of the creepy stuff happens when you are alone,eh?


It does for me. Especially at my home. Appliances and such turn themselves on without anyone near.


It was late afternoon when this happened. My sister and I were wrapping presents, and the CD player magically turns itself on and plays this odd music, where I couldn't even make out the words. When I checked the CD it was my Nickelback CD. But the song that played wasn't on it at all. It happened again the next day. Then I had to unplug the CD player.


Another times is when I was downstairs unpacking Christmas decorations. Then the washing machine turns itself on. I freaked out.


One day I was being bored. It was 9:00 PM. Then when I go downstairs there was a girl with dark black hair and she was wearing a white dress. I can't clearly remember what she was wearing. She was glaring at me! I ran upstairs like a crazy person.


I have more stories to tell, But I can't remember them all at the moment.



If anyone wants to hear mine, you can PM me. I have several. I dont feel like posting them individually, and several people dont share my beliefs.

My wishful religeon is sometimes frowned upon.

NOTE: I am not A satan worshiper. I want to be Wicca or Pagan, but my family wont let me change... it ticks me off a bit.

I haven't seen one. But when I was rehearsing for a play, I felt a finger running across my back where the words say "California." I looked back and some people looked at me like a crazy person. (I usually find out who's doing that because they usually smile at me. And that happens all the time. But I see people doing it. Like my friends like to run their finger across my back whenever I have that jacket on.) It was quite...scary.

Jasmine claims she saw a demon opening and closing her blinds. And I slept over at her house that night. Thank God we didn't sleep in her room. (I was freaked out that night, but now, I don't really know if I believe her.)

Oh, and she claims she did Bloody Mary with her cousins and she almost got her cousin.

She tends to stretch the truth, so, I'm not that sure. And other friend (Jenn) claims she saw Bloody Mary in the mirror. Jasmine explained what she looked like and she asked Jenn and they said they same thing. So, maybe I believe her... *shifty eyes*

The Bloody Mary thing is not real. It was an old tale that has been twisted and changed so many times to be a trick kids can do to scare themselves. I dont even remember the original story (if someone knows it, please post it) but nothing will ever happen to you just because you say some words while looking a mirror or something. Its an old wives tale.

Lol. I love your pic, Charleene, anyway..back on topic ^_^

I've had no real ghost experiences. Just fun/oddly-scary time. Like that time with a Ouija board? I mean, honestly, would anything made by Parker Brothers be demonly possesed? I think not.

Bloody Mary- lol. We had a fun booth at our high school where someone would stand behind a sheer glass-looked like a mirror- and they would say the words, can't remember them, and then the girl pretending to be Bloody Mary would slowly appear, then disappear. xD We spashed paint on the "mirror" every time someone showed up. xD I think we raised close to 400$ that Halloween on our pranks. xD

^ That's awesome. Scaring people is fun.

Charleene: Thanks for telling me it's not real. I've been getting feelingsg it's not real anyways.

I have had super natural experiences but not of ghosts. I don't believe ghosts exist. I believe that you either go here or you go there. *shrugs*

i had 2 experinces in the same night ok at was at my aunts house sleeping over at like 3 am (out of no where) i heard people yaelling at each other in spanish i covered my eyes with the blanket 2 c i f that would help but it got worse so i took off the blanket and suddenly i see a white figure FLY rite over me ever since then i dont ever stay at my aunts house :D :eek: :eek: and my bro had this really crazy exprience one night at like 2 am my bro woke up crying (my bro was 12 when this happend) he said his bed was shaking and he heard someone laughing after that i have been afraid 2 sleep in his room without a light on

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I think my cellphones haunted. It vibrates and rings sometimes yet i didnt get a calls or a text. And aroung m house things which place like when we went out and we came back and our remotes were in the fridge and a piece of cheese and some butter was on the remote rack. It was random....

I was at mah friend's house for a sleepover;;

and itt's really old.

I woke up really cold..x

[[There were all these figures dancing around the room]]

There was a big boot, from the ceiling to the ground;;

A small girl just looking at me...

And this weird spinning thing. I reached outt to touch it and I before I could I shivered really badd :angry:

Never sleptt round her house again ;(( (Might be 'cause we moved.. xP)


Sometimes I thinkk I is being watched..

Hate going upstairs on mah own.. mah house iss so old it creaks... even when no one steps on a creaky spot :angry:


I asked mah mum if she believed in ghostts..x

We're Christian {as mah sig && avatar say}

She says she thinkss ghosts are real;;

But theyy are,. like., demons...


What is Bloody Mary..? :)



Best Wishes



Bloody mary is a dare that kids do. Its where you go into the bathroom, turn the lights off, stand in front of the mirror, spin around three times and say bloody mary with each spin. Supposively, Bloody Mary (a dead girl covered in blood) is supposed to show up and kill you.

Remember, this has NEVER worked. It was a story that has been changed so much to scare kids, now kids use it as pranks against each other (the one at the halloween party sounds funny though, its obvious it wasnt real so it was ok).

Bloody mary is a dare that kids do. Its where you go into the bathroom, turn the lights off, stand in front of the mirror, spin around three times and say bloody mary with each spin. Supposively, Bloody Mary (a dead girl covered in blood) is supposed to show up and kill you.
Remember, this has NEVER worked. It was a story that has been changed so much to scare kids, now kids use it as pranks against each other (the one at the halloween party sounds funny though, its obvious it wasnt real so it was ok).
Lol- I remember this one time in fifth grade my friends and I tried that. It was a group of 5 or 6 girls and we turned off the lights, chanted the chant and then I screamed just to freak them out and man, were they ever freaked out! :furawatchi:

She wouldn't go back in the bathroom after that!

I'm nott saying those shapes were ghosts,, though;;

I was half asleep.,,

I thinkk :furawatchi:

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