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snappy c g

Well-known member
Jun 3, 2009
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Well i started this because people believe and people disbelieve so i was just wondering who believes and who dose not on tamatalk ill tell you guys my answer later on.

I don't believe in ghosts. But I do believe in spirits, kinda.

Well, I don't really know, tbh.

I used to, when I was younger. But now, I don't really think I do. I definitely don't believe in ghosts you can see, anyway.

I asked my mom once if she believed in ghosts - she said that if there were such things as ghosts, she thinks they might be demons.

But I don't know.

I'm like Kendal; I have no ideaaaa.

I think that I kinda want proof before I believe fully.. I wanna see one myself.

So far, none of my friends or relatives have seen a ghost, and neither have I.

I used to believe with a passion. As soon as I heard a noise I was like ''ZOMG IT'S A GHOST WE GOTTA GO INVESTIGATE RIGHT AWAAAAY!''. It was never a ghost. So yeaaah, I don't really know if there's such thing or not. We may or may not find out completely. I find them somewhat interesting though.

As for demons -- I'd go crazy if they were real. D:

Nahh. I don't really believe in the supernatural. xD.

I USED to believe, but then one day my friend ( x-friend, is more like it) came over, and claimed she could talked to ghost.


I'm like Kendal; I have no ideaaaa.I think that I kinda want proof before I believe fully.. I wanna see one myself.

So far, none of my friends or relatives have seen a ghost, and neither have I.

I used to believe with a passion. As soon as I heard a noise I was like ''ZOMG IT'S A GHOST WE GOTTA GO INVESTIGATE RIGHT AWAAAAY!''. It was never a ghost. So yeaaah, I don't really know if there's such thing or not. We may or may not find out completely. I find them somewhat interesting though.

As for demons -- I'd go crazy if they were real. D:
Lmao, same. xD

And then I'd freak myself out and wouldn't go anyway, and avoid that part of the house for days. xDD

I don't believe in ghosts, but I don't want to see one.

I see other things than ghosts. xD

Like that gray weird outline guy that growls at me at night o_O

Weeell. I don't care anymore.

I just HALF to post this:

Once my friend Mallory was sleeping over at my house. I was on the inside of the bed, she was on the outside. At 3AM, she woke up, and I got up to use the washroom. She looked at me, and I walked out of the room, making my beaded-door move and shake. And she could've SWORN It was a ghost, and not me. And now she doesn't dare sleep over unless we're at the campsite, or with other people. xDDD


As I said in many topics, I don't believe in anything without a personal experience.

Sometimes if it's dark at night I get afraid of something. It's nothing big, but just a fear.

Like that gray weird outline guy that growls at me at night o_O
Haha, I love that guy xD Even though he looks scary. very scary. And bloody too.

..Toast. O__o (Spongebob reference)

NO. It's just people's fear talking to them. Let's not let our imagination run wild.

Okay it seems like the most of you dont but..... i voted i do.... well here is my story

ever since my grandpa died alot of times at night he is in my room and he is reading some of my books and he follows me around he loved me so much and me and him agreed when and if one of us died we would come back and talk to each other and comfort each other ever since he died he has been with me *sad sigh cries* i miss him so much now i am sad *sigh* :( :D :( :( :( :( :( :( ........ go on ahead guys call me crazy but yea and yess i do believe in god and i see paranormal things and i can communicate with ghosts but go on me crazy!

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I'm not quite sure if I believe in ghosts or not

But this picture that my Mom took makes me think.


I also uploaded it to deviantArt.

My mom thinks it looks like my Dad. She was the one who took the picture, about a month/few weeks ago, and m Dad died 5 years ago. Plus, that house in the pic,was like his favorite place. And no, No one was at the house the time the pic was taken. There is a guy fixing the house up, but he was on Holidays during that time. But He's back now, so My mom is going to go over there and ask if she can take pictures inside the house.

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