Gino D'Acampo and Stuart Manning


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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2009
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If you watched I'm A Celebrity, you would know that when the camp was split, and 6 of the contestants went to exile, Stuart Manning and Gino D'Acampo killed a rat to cook because there was only rations of food in exile. Well, a few minutes after the filming of the final, where Gino was crowned King Of The Jungle, RSPCA representitives approached Gino about the rat killing. Apparently it was a tame rat, not a wild rat, only put there to add to the atmosphere of Exile. Gino and Stuart have been given a court notice, and could face up to three years in prison for animal abuse. What do you think of it?

I think this is rediculous. They were obviously incredibly hungry, or they wouldn't have done it. ITV hasn't been to court once about anything on I'm A Celebrity, even though they kill loads of insects in the eating trials and in many of the other trails, yet when one rat is killed for food, which would happen in the Outback anyway, a court case is called. I really hope they arecleared, they didn't do anything wrong, in my eyes.

They're seriously crying over a rat? Isn't the rat population overflowing as it is? What a waste of these poor guys' time. I can't imagine the RSPCA winning this case. It's so ridiculous.

I also think that's ridiculous. Science labs use rats all the time as test subjects, and if I were the RSPCA and I really wanted to sue someone, I would sue the 'I'm a Celebrity' people for just putting the rat in there to add atmosphere, and not warning any of the contestants not to kill any of them. But still, that would also be a stupid idea.

I don't think that the RSPCA will win this, and Ihope that they don't.. ;)


The RSPCA dropped their case against D'Acampo and Manning. They dropped the case at Murwillumbah Local Court on the 17th February. RSPCA South Wales reccomended that the case was dropped after ITV was convicted and fined.

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As much as I love RSPCA, this is kind of ridiculous. People kill rats with poison and animal testing all the time, why not sue them as well? I’m glad the case got dropped, though there shouldn’t have been one in the first place >.>

The RSPCA dropped their case against D'Acampo and Manning. They dropped the case at Murwillumbah Local Court on the 17th February. RSPCA South Wales reccomended that the case was dropped after ITV was convicted and fined.
I'm glad nothing is happening to them.

If eating and cooking animals in the jungle is forbidden, they should of told them that before they entered the show.

I'm happy to hear they didn't go through with it.

Honestly, I find it useless and a waste of time to take them to court.

It was a rat. They could've wound up getting sick from starving if they didn't eat.

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