Girl I Like


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Well-known member
Apr 27, 2007
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At school, there is this quiet girl that I like.

But at the free time we have, she is loud, and I don't know how to tell her I like her.

Tell her you like her... but don't be to up front about it... Ask to talk to her alone, and say that you like her... If it works out... YAY! Good luck!


Well, I say don't tell her.

First, just get to know her. A guy and a girl can just be friends. ;] Build a strong foundation for your relationship first. That way, if you find out you like her just as a friend and not so much romanticly you aren't stuck and there aren't any hard feelings. Chances are it's just a crush that will pass by fairly quickly but if you tell her you put your relationship in jepardy. Once you both have a great relatioship that won't crumble over something little, you both are older and you both are ready to date then everything is laid out for ya'.

Start out just as friends- take it slow. Seriously, it could save your friendship. ;]

Haha my Bf was sweet when he asked me out...

We had an AIM conv and he goes:

Him: wut would u say if i asked u out?

me: Depends on if you wanted to make fun of me or if you were serious

Him: lets say i was serious

me: i'd say yes...... ......

Him: really?

me: ya........... ......

Him: youn want to?

Him: you*

me: Sure! But i'm saying if it doesn't work out between us can we still be friends?

Him: always

me: YAY!

Him: hehe

LMAO!! My heart was thudding the whole time!!!

Hmmm.... i don't know... Ask her if she likes you? I'm not sure lol

What about a little note?
As you have probably made up your mind I'll quit the why nots- I would say no on going with the note plan. It's less personal and you can't tell expression from a note- sometimes what we mean to say don't come out right on the other end and vice versa. Plus, it shows you actualy care more if you ask her personaly- although I suggest you don't tell her in front of people because trust me- that can be very embarresing!

Anyways, just make sure you know all the consequences good and bad.

Aww that's sweet. She'll like you if you make friends with her first instead of straight forward telling you like her. Good luck!

Aww that's sweet. She'll like you if you make friends with her first instead of straight forward telling you like her. Good luck!
I could'nt agree more... :rolleyes:

It worked for me, so why not you?

All the best,


Well I would tell her on Friday so she can have sometime to think about it, because I think it would be awkward if she had to think about it and you had to see her, especailly if she said no. My friend asked someone out and the guy took a while and when he finally said no it was almost worse watching him make up his mind!

I think you should do this if you want,do something nice for her like help her when she needs help.Act like a genttlemen and every time she looks at you, smile.But don't make it to abvious that everyone might notice.Try to do it as privite as you can.And if you flirt to much with her she might get annoyd.S every once in a while say something like I like your hair.And one important thing is don't stress yourself out over it,be yourself!!!

I really hope I helped!!!!!!!! :wub:

Does she act like she likes you back?
Well, she gives me cookies at lunchtime.

Does that count?

Oh, she's also getting me a gift on my birthday, and this is the first time I ever got a gift at school.

What about a little note?
Trust me, don't give her a note. What if the teacher finds it? I've heard that when a lot of teachers find notes, they read them out loud to the whole class! Imagine how embarrasing that would be for you. I agree with tamaw/pants. Get to know her first and be friends. A girl and a boy can definitely be buddies without being boyfriend/girlfriend. It's also pretty likely that it's a passing crush. I know I've had about a billion passing crushes. But if you want her to be your girlfriend, a strong friendship is a good first step to a succesful relationship.

Now we both like eachother! ;)

Let's hope we'll be b/f g/f.

I've had one in 2nd grade, I hope it works out!

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