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I had 2 disharges yesterday and just in case, my mum gave me a few pads and I've been wearing one just in case but I haven't got a proper period yet. When do you think I'll get one?
[SIZE=8pt]usually for me at least i get heavy discharge like a day or 2 b4 i get mine. i wear a tampon to PE but it still sux cuz then u have to like go really fast when u change ur clothes in the locker room so that u have time to change the tampon in the bathroom. be on the watch, but at the same time enjoy becoming a woman ;) [/SIZE]

Oh, ha, as we're talking about tampons and a tamagotchi webbie, I have a story to tell! xD

When I was in seventh grade I was playing with my little white tama and this eighth grade guy yelled, "are you pulling apart a tampon!? O...O;;;" I looked at him and said "no... Why would I do that? o...O" "Maybe you were feeling destructive today?"

XDDD Funny.

Oh, ha, as we're talking about tampons and a tamagotchi webbie, I have a story to tell! xD
When I was in seventh grade I was playing with my little white tama and this eighth grade guy yelled, "are you pulling apart a tampon!? O...O;;;" I looked at him and said "no... Why would I do that? o...O" "Maybe you were feeling destructive today?"

XDDD Funny.
OMG thats like the funniest thing I've EVER Heard! LOL!

No, I havent had mine yet. =)

Haha nice.

I have been looking for my Tamagotchi before in my purse and my tampons will fall out. Kinda embarrassing but at my age everyone expects I have my period anyway, so its no biggie, but I keep my Tamas in my pockets to avoid such things now. :angry:

Oh, ha, as we're talking about tampons and a tamagotchi webbie, I have a story to tell! xD
When I was in seventh grade I was playing with my little white tama and this eighth grade guy yelled, "are you pulling apart a tampon!? O...O;;;" I looked at him and said "no... Why would I do that? o...O" "Maybe you were feeling destructive today?"

XDDD Funny.

A lot of the time it is quite bloody but the cramps usually don't hurt. It's a yucky time, but mother always lets me lay on the couch and watch TV!!! yay mom!
If you do get painful cramps though, being active is the best way to get through it. :chohimetchi:

My god i get mild cramps at the begging of my period but at the end... O_O woah they hurt like all H**L I'll tell you now, but it's cool coz at my school everyone is very mature about that, and the guys are very cool about it to,

like i have this friend (who's a guy) and we r relitively close, anywayz i got cramps really bad one day and i asked the teacher if i could go to the toilet, this was in the middle of english, and i was in so much pain that i went behind the toilet blocks and started crying, (it was like my 3rd time xD) and the next thing i new my guy friend was beside me and i can remember exactly wat he sed and did he goes...

"Hey, Jess you alright"


"It's probly not my place but, have you got, umm,, them?"

I looked at him and nooded

then he ran off but he came back a few minutes later and he had something in his hand his water bottle and 2 panadols

"I take panadols to school in case i get a headache you can have one if, um, they hurt"

I took one and all was right with the world ^^

o_O Im scared now.
(i have not gotten mine yet, im 11)
Dont be :lol:

the first couple of days the pad feels abit weird (same thing with the tampon) but you get used to it really easily.

The cramps hurt though, depending on how serious they are, some people have REALLY bad cramps, some people dont even have cramps at all!

I dont get cramps
[SIZE=14pt]Same here sometimes.Other times if I'm just starting it hurts. ><;;;[/SIZE]

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My god i get mild cramps at the begging of my period but at the end... O_O woah they hurt like all H**L I'll tell you now, but it's cool coz at my school everyone is very mature about that, and the guys are very cool about it to,
like i have this friend (who's a guy) and we r relitively close, anywayz i got cramps really bad one day and i asked the teacher if i could go to the toilet, this was in the middle of english, and i was in so much pain that i went behind the toilet blocks and started crying, (it was like my 3rd time xD) and the next thing i new my guy friend was beside me and i can remember exactly wat he sed and did he goes...

"Hey, Jess you alright"


"It's probly not my place but, have you got, umm,, them?"

I looked at him and nooded

then he ran off but he came back a few minutes later and he had something in his hand his water bottle and 2 panadols

"I take panadols to school in case i get a headache you can have one if, um, they hurt"

I took one and all was right with the world ^^
Awww :] So sweeet. ^^

I luv having guy friends like that. I only have one that would acually do that for me though, haha.

Wow, this topic has so many posts ^w^

But I have a Q. During my Period, I getsa REALLY damp feeling. I has to go to the girls Restrooms every 15 minutes to get rid of it. Any idea's how to stop this? I can't get tampons >.> Unless I sign up for the swim team...

I hope I don't wake up with a 6 inch blood stain on my bed on Christmas morning like last year

Wow, this topic has so many posts ^w^
But I have a Q. During my Period, I getsa REALLY damp feeling. I has to go to the girls Restrooms every 15 minutes to get rid of it. Any idea's how to stop this? I can't get tampons >.> Unless I sign up for the swim team...

I hope I don't wake up with a 6 inch blood stain on my bed on Christmas morning like last year
I hate that wet feeling, it's always a false alarm with me back when my period was normal and before I started on birth control. Best you can do is know when the wet feeling is false alarms or it's an actual bleeding emergency.

I noticed during heavy flows, when standing up it would feel like the blood would literally drop onto the pad, like a wave >_

Why can't you get tampons? You could always ask your mother to buy you some. Or go by some yourself with your allowance at a pharmacy.

I have a Q, the other day I had cramps bad, so I took advil, 2 hours later I still had them! I used a heating pad, took a really hot bath. any other ideas on how to get rid of cramps? or atleast make them shorter or something?

no period yet mind you only 11 so not worried yet. I have discharge and in the past 2-3 months i have been growing hair down there. i have small armpit hairs, longish leg hairs, i know every body is different but roughly when should i start worrying about getting pads i mean my mum in the summer holidays got me some you know as a precauson(sp?) i just want a rough guess on when i might start.

also i may use tampons cos of swimming reasons but im a little worried (i know theres nothing to be worried about and that it wont hurt but im a little worried) and i just need some advice

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