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Well how far up do you stick it? Cause all I use is pads, I hate em cause they feel weird when in my underpants

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Well how far up do you stick it? Cause all I use is pads, I hate em cause they feel weird when in my underpants
You stick it as far in so you only see the string hanging down. It can be a bit uncomfortable at first but you get used to it after a few seconds. I hate pads x.x They feel like mini diapers.

I dont have "mine" yet but I'm not usin tampons just yet. I just cant bare the thought of doing it! I think I'll stick with pads for when I have "mine"

My brother is really nosy about my period and stuff. Hes all asking waht are Tampons and how do they work. Some body help!!
Lol oh dear! Well if he wants to know, then tell him. He's more likely to respond a little bit strongly to that kind of information so keep it really basic. Tell him it is like an absorbant plug that absorbs blood before it comes out of a girl. If he then asks where it goes, just tell him it goes inside the same hole the blood comes out. That should be more than sufficient for him! :(

Wow, BlackIris, that's like... insane.
I get cramps, diress (I guess... I can complain a lot XD), and I annoy people. I guess you could say my true self comes out when I'm getting my period o_O;

Am I boring you? I'm kinda boring myself.

Okay, I'll stop talking now.
I become an entirely different person. >> It's kind of scary XD

Just give me chocolate and I'll be fine. Oh and a hug XD

Thankyou Bell Sprout :( im not sure if this is true but my mum told me that you start when you grandma or nana started and my Nana started when she was 16 im not sure about my grandma though

Does this mean i will start at 16??

Actually you are better of asking your mother and your sister(s) (if you have any sisters). The age at which the first period starts has been decreasing over time. There actually was a time when most girls didn't have their first period until 20!

Your mother and sisters are a pretty good indicator because there is a strong genetic disposition when it comes to menarche. However, there are a number of environmental factors which play a part. I am almost positive that the diet you have grown up would have been vastly different to your mothers. That amongst other things can account for a difference.

Be prepared for your period at any time but also be prepared not to get your first one until you are 16. It looks like the age of menarche is pretty set in your family! :(

I dont have "mine" yet but I'm not usin tampons just yet. I just cant bare the thought of doing it! I think I'll stick with pads for when I have "mine"
Trust me I felt the same way for 3 years. When I turned 16 my friend showed me that they are really comfortable and won't get "lost" or anything. You feel less icky too.

Tampons are love. <333

i think ill be fine using pads when i get my period,but TAMPONS?? :(   :(   it seems like it would hurt to just u know stick them up there. :(   :mellow:   sorry if im grossing any 1 also kinda grossing myself out already(lol)
Using tampons doesn't hurt if you have inserted them correctly. The inside the vagina is a muscular tube which is VERY stretchy (remember it can stretch to fit a baby) and hence you will not feel a tampon once it is inserted.

Inserting a tampon tends to hurt when the muscles at the entry to the vagina become tense. This usually occurs because of tension. If you are scared or apprehensive about inserting the tampon, your body tends to automatically tense those muscles causing friction which is very painful. THe muscles can tense so tightly you can't insert the tampon at all!! That's why it is a good idea to learn to insert one with a bit of lubrication before you have periods so you know what it feels like.

Have a look at: A Guide to Using Your First Tampon

It explains exactly what you need to do. Just remember if you are not using a tampon with an applicator then you need to insert it so a portion of your index finger is inserted past the muscular ring at the entrance to the vagina.

So in summary.. at tampon will hurt when:

  • You try and insert it when you are tense
  • You don't push the tampon in far enough (the muscles have a certain level of tension normally so if the bottom of tampon is still poking out it will cause friction and be uncomfortable)
  • If your vaginal passage is quite short and you push the tampon up so far it hits the cervix. That feels really uncomfortable but all you need to do is pull back on the string a tad and it will be fine! :mellow:

Now as far as being gross.... is it really any worse than cleaning up after yourself when you go to the toilet? No! It's about as gross as sticking your fingers in your mouth to wobble loose teeth. :mellow:

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Well how far up do you stick it? Cause all I use is pads, I hate em cause they feel weird when in my underpants
Actually wish to expand on what Sweet Kandi said as you will need to learn to insert one without the use of a mirror to see!

If you read the instructions in some of the packs of tampons they will tell you to insert the tampon until your index finger is pretty much all the way inside you. You don't need to go this far as some people have smaller length vaginas than others and also larger fingers! :( Insert the tampon in until you can no longer feel it. A correctly inserted tampon cannot be felt inside. In the majority of cases, a proportion of your index finger should go inside the vagina and past the muscular ring at the entrance, that way you'll know for sure it is in.

If you put it in and you feel a pain or irritation at the entry or you can still feel the base then it needs to go in a little further.

If you are using an applicator, have a look at this site: A Guide to Using Your First Tampon

I don't know, why do people use tampons anyway?? :( :mellow: :(

Apart from what Sweet Kandi mentioned, tampons are also useful:

  • If you play a lot of high activity sport such as soccer where running around a lot may cause the pad to come out of place and leak.
  • If you are a gymnast who wears a leotard or a person that likes to wear tight clothes. No matter how slim the pad is, it will still show up!
  • If you want to go swimming during your period. A tampon means that the blood is collected and you are not sharing with everyone else in the pool! :(
  • If you are a person who has extremely sensitive skin and gets "nappy rash" from the friction of wearing a pad.

uh but what if a tampon gets lost inside you if you push it up to far?

Yay! Thank you Bell! Now I wonder in a year If I should try out for swim team.......Yay Having 2500 gallon pools!

I'm not sure, but I think that mine is coming because every once in a while a seem to 'leak' a little.

TG4E :huh:

uh but what if a tampon gets lost inside you if you push it up to far?
You cannot lose a tampon inside of you - there is nowhere for it to go!! The vagina is a hollow tube which is usually about 7 to 13cm or 3 to 5" long. At the end of the tube is your cervix which is the entry to the uterus. The hole there is smaller than a pin here making it impossible for a tampon to fit!

Usually, even if you have a long vagina you can reach the tampon itself or the string to pull it out. If for some reason you can't (which happens very, very rarely), squat down and push like you are trying to do a poo. Squating down forces the cervic down and hence will push the tampon down and when you bear down like doing a poo it helps move the tampon down. It should then be very easy to reach. :huh:

There is no reason to get all concerned about that happening though. The majority of women do not have such trouble.

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